Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalize Marijuana
Growing up, every young child is told that, “Drugs are bad for you” As a kid, you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it but, most of us listened anyway. Now that I am older and have my own personal experience I honestly question why it’s not legal. Many American’s believe marijuana is one of the biggest threats but, alcohol and tobacco are two actual life threatening substances that are legal, it is relevant to question why marijuana is illegal. According to Life time Marijuana has been tested and proven to provide a very positive impact on the American society for many reasons, those reasons being America’s health, economy and crime. If these reasons were changed for the better it could very well help Americans thrive in the oncoming future.
There are many reasons why people support legalization, and one of those reasons is the benefit of it as a medicinal drug. Some states in America have already legalized the use of marijuana but, for medical use only. Other countries like Canada and California have already allowed …show more content…

The reason that was, was because the effects that followed binge drinking; some examples would be how the behavior and motor skills can be altered. The direct effects resulting from heavy drinking would be depression and accidental forms of brain damage; which is frequently diagnosed in alcoholics. Marijuana on the other hand does not have these crazy effects which makes it seem a little out of place in its classification as illegal. This naturally grown and harvested found plant known as marijuana is known all around the world but, is illegal in a lot of locations around the world. Some states are very strict when it comes to enforcing this law while other states are very lenient. Everyday more people choose pro side of the legalization of marijuana, and people are now starting to believe that legalization would actually be helpful for our Economy and all of