Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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As it is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Refugee is a term used to describe the people that leave their country to seek for safety when their own country is at war just like the Syrians are doing because of the civil war. The United States are considering whether or not they should allow Syrian refugees to enter their country due to the possibility that the Syrian refugees can bring potential danger and threaten the safety of the U.S. citizens. The United States should not ban the Syrian refugees because their background checks are …show more content…

denies them it makes ISIS stronger. The article, PRO/CON: Should state governors be able to reject Syrian refugees, states, The first thing we need to understand is that Islamic State is actually weak. It claims responsibility for any act of terror on Western soil so that it can seem stronger than it actually is” (Pro/Con 3). If the United States ban the Syrian refugees because of the terrorist attacks, they are letting the Islamic State know that they are scared. The Islamic State uses that fear to make themselves feel and look powerful. The people who lose out of this situation are the Syrian refugees that have to stay in their dangerous country because the U.S. thinks they are dangerous when they are the ones that are making the Islamic State more stronger are them. Not only is the United States making ISIS look strong but they are also making themselves seem fragile. The article, asserts, “The 31 irresponsible governors are also sending a message to the U.S. public that fear, xenophobia and even outright hate are validated” (Pro/Con 4). Denying the Syrian refugees is making the United States seem as if they are scared of ISIS and have xenophobia towards the refugees. They are letting the idea of terrorists in their country and ISIS control them. The U.S. citizens are going to see their country as weak and are going to think that they are falling apart or worse that they are not safe