Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Our Mother of exiles reads to the world as she stands as the great symbol of our United States of America. These very principles that our country holds so high however seem to fall away when with the 9/11 attacks heavy on our mind the western world is confronted with one million Syrian refugees. As Syria faces a rapid break down of social order and war ravages the country an exodus of Syrians will flee in their attempt for life however on their journey they will face little to no basic survival needs such as food and water, tear gas, …show more content…

As Americans we believe that our country is the ultimate melting pot which accepts everyone for who they are, that’s a major principle that our nationalism is built on because the representation of all cultures demonstrates our freedom. Throughout history we also see that the spread of culture and ideas leads to new ideas, innovations and the further advancement of our society. Economically refugees can benefit us as well because they didn’t come here looking for handouts, these people came here looking for the opportunity of a better life; in Syria many of these people lost their jobs, schools, and lives so they came here to the western world to find new jobs and new better lives. The argument that America cannot economically support these refugees is really just an unwilling to spend the money. For example Lebanon, a much smaller country, which has taken on over a million refugees, has spent a large portion of their annual earnings on resources for the refugees and yet its economy is still on the incline. All things aside the real reason that the western world has to help is because human life is at risk. The Syrian people face persecution from ISIS, atrocities from their government including gas bombings and the devastation of the proxy war between the Russian backed government and the US backed rebels. The people of Syria lack jobs, homes, schools and a normal life and the face death every day which is no way to live or for children to grow up in. The journey they face as well to even get to the land the hope to find asylum in is no better either and people are dying, children are suffering and families are being torn apart. These are real people facing struggles we will never understand not just pictures on a television and we must do