
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting and driving has become a recent issue in today’s society. Many teens, as well as adults have formed a habit of using their cell phones while driving their cars. It is distracting and increases the risk of fatal accidents. Many drivers know its not safe but choose to find ways to do it safely .In this generation cell phones has became a huge part of our everyday life. While texting and driving could lead to fatal accidents putting a ban in place may not be affective.
Whenever a driver text and drives on the road they put other drivers in danger. A ban may help keep our roads safer. Texting while driving can cause you to loose control of the vehicle and veer into another lane. This could cause an accident with an innocent driver. “In 2008, 5,870 people died and more than half-million were hurt in crashes.”(Copeland 618) This number is extremely high and it is something that could be easily avoided if you don’t text and drive. There are campaigns that are in effect to let people know that no text is worth dying for. Reading a text while a vehicle is in motion is not worth the risk of your …show more content…

“A young Marine, 23, who had a young daughter …lost control of his pick up and was ejected and thrown 150-200 feet”(Copeland 618-619). After going through that tragic accident the young driver will express that the texting is not worth it to his young daughter. Future generations would see the consequences from previous generations and would try to help each other . “ The effort uses television radio even the protective “ clings “ over the front of new cellphones to target young drivers.”(Copeland 617) This is a great way to get young drivers attention about texting and driving. Future generations would see how many problems texting and driving would cause and having a ban would break the habit. Many young drivers do not realize how serious an issue is until there is a law put in

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