
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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There are different types of drivers all over the world. Some of those drivers would never even think to look away from the road, but others think that it’s fine to look down at their phones for just a moment. But, in that tiny second, lives are changed forever. Teenagers have been involved in thousand of car crashes because of their phones. Almost 11 teenagers are killed every day in car accidents because they were texting instead of keeping their eyes on the road. Many people have even admitted to knowing the risk, but still text constantly in the car. By texting in the car, not only is the driver’s life in danger, but innocent passengers and passers-by as well. People who text and drive are 23 times more likely to get in a car accident. …show more content…

For example, in California, the base fine is $20 for the first offense and increases to $50 for a second offense. As of right now the state with the strongest penalty for texting and driving is Alaska, with a fine that could go up to $10,000 for a first offense and one year in jail. Unfortunately, there are states like Arizona, South Dakota, South Carolina, and Montana, who currently have no laws against texting while driving. As you can see, some states take texting while driving more seriously than others.
An increasing number of car companies have been teaming up with programmers to develop different types of apps that are downloaded to phones and can help reduce distractions that text alerts can cause. For instance, Life360 is an app that will receive a text message, but will disable the notification until the car has come to a stop. Ford Motor Company is one of the manufacturers who has incorporated this program into several models of their

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