Pre-Calculus Essential Questions

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The essential question for the year in pre-calculus is very broad “How can mathematical thinking help me organize ideas and solve problems? I think that what is question is trying to do is get students to think in new way to see that ideas can be expressed in more then just one way and they have to decide which is the best. I think that this is a good question for students to answer and having answer to this question is something that is enduring it involves skill that students can use along after they forget how to do any specific math procedures. Students can remember the skill of making a table and learning that problems can be solved in more then one way for the rest of their live that is an enduring understanding or an overarching objective. I think that maybe I need to spend more time thinking about this question and if students are able to answer it specifically. I feel that they do learn these skills by the end of the year and from high school math in general but I don’t ever ask them to answer this question out right or measure if they can answer it in any way. …show more content…

I think the answer to this question is a unit specific answer to the essential question or the year. If students can know when to use polar coordinates or complex plane, they have found a new way to better organize their ideas and solve new types of problems. The first part of this question tries to get to student motivation why you want to use these new systems. The answer to this question shows that these new systems can be used to make thing much easier and more