• What is the objective of the lab?
Objective is to identify the function of glucose, analyze blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels, & describe complications of abnormal glucose ranges.
• Define diabetes and pre-diabetes.
Per the class textbook Thompson, J. L., Manore, M., & Vaughan, L. A. (2017) diabetes is describe as a chronic disease where the body is unable to normalize the glucose to its normal limit in the body.
Per the class textbook (Thompson, Manore 2017), pre-diabetes is a term that is used synonymously with impaired fasting glucose; this condition is known to be a major risk factor for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
• How are diabetes and pre-diabetes diagnosed when testing fasting blood sugar?
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This result sometimes is referred as to impaired fasting glucose, which means that the glucose levels are higher than normal and not enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, if the fasting glucose level is higher than 126 mg/dL then it is considered diabetes.
• What are 2 physical and/or behavioral risk factors for Type 2 diabetes?
The one of the primary risk factors for Type 2 diabetes is being overweight, because the more fatty tissue a person has is more resistant their cells become to insulin. The second risk factor is the age, because in most cases it develops after age 45.
• What is insulin resistance and how does the body compensate for this condition? What is the major cause of insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance it is when the body cells become less responsive to insulin and the glucose cannot enter into the cells so then it starts building up in the blood. After this happens the pancreas attempts to compensate by secreting more insulin to normalize the blood glucose levels. Bu, the major cause of insulin resistance is that a person will have to circulate high levels of insulin to use it as energy and this will lead for a diagnosis with impaired fasting
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(Rossouw, J.E. 2015). Learning that if you don’t exercise regularly to reduce the calorie intake makes me think the high impact my diet is doing to my body. Since taking this class I have been more conscious of my food intake and what I need to do on a regular basis to change those habits. I first have reduced a lot of foods from fast food restaurants, which is a big change for me as I am out of my house from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday. I have changed my eating habits by having more healthy foods such as salads, fruits and vegetables and chicken