Pros And Cons Of Ex-Convicts Returning To Prison

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Ex-convicts are more likely to recidivate due to a lack of recovery programs, limited job opportunities, and the shame associated with their criminal record, despite efforts to reduce recidivism rates. The community is about ex-convicts returning to prison. Ex-convicts face problems returning to prison after committing the same crime multiple times. They struggle with doing the same thing over again because that’s all they have ever known and it gives them a “safe place” and a home that they will always have even if having the prison as their home is not good. The challenges they face are difficult for many to understand. The problems affect their choices about doing right or wrong. The inmates need a push, when returning back into society …show more content…

Getting a response back from their plan will help us better understand inmates and what their needs are to thrive in society. What the inmates write will be written anonymously and averaged out what the most important things are, such as housing, finding jobs, and access to therapy. Having the responses to what is most important to each individual, they can get the help that they need to be a better person and able to function in society. Inmates will take a survey asking questions about what they struggle with the most when getting released. With this information we can provide as much of the resources available for them and with getting their “fresh start” out in society as more informed people and an idea of what they need to do to be successful. Also, the inmates will have the option to have a notebook/ journal where they can write down their goals and which ones mean the most to them, for example if someone wants to go back into the work field but doesn't know what jobs will take them or how to get a certain job. By hearing that there can be resources for jobs available to inmates being released and the types of jobs catering companies have an

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