This paper serves as a critique of the article, “Leader's level of emotional intelligence and its influence on employee engagement: A case study” by Shelley Young Thompkins. The article is a dissertation written in 2015 by a doctoral student at Capella University. The purpose for the case study, in this article, is examining organizational success driven by the positive engagement among employees and leaders who possess emotional intelligence. The article examines two primary goals for this exploratory case study and specifies the theoretical framework for this study was based on foundational theories and is a qualitative study. The intention of this critique is to reflect on the content and framework of the article, identifying the strengths …show more content…
The author independently sections off the purpose of the article making it transparent for the readers to understand, however, the section is located on the fourth page of the article following the introduction, background and statement of the problem which can seem confusing as you read the article pondering on what the purpose of the study is about. In the beginning of the article, Thompkins (2015) gives meaningful background information for the study. The author explains the importance and challenges facing organizations today and the impact employees and leadership has on success. Additionally, Thompkins (2015) provides insight using statistical data supporting the importance and challenges impacting employees and leadership for organizational success. Lastly, Thompkins (2015) clearly identifies the problem as limited research concerning how leaders influences employee engagement and the impact of emotional intelligence with their role for organizational success Thompkins …show more content…
The author starts with a clear summary of the results and then implications of the study, limitations of the study, and a conclusion of the study along with future research recommendations. Thompkins (2015) describes the results “of this exploratory case study were derived through descriptive and thematic analysis of data obtained from interviews and variance testing through one-way ANOVA was subsequently used to answer the research questions” (Thompkins, p63, 2015). Also, the author concluded with supporting results the positive correlation of their initial hypothesis was correct. Implications are clearly addressed by analyzing the methodology and results of the interviews and survey of how the participants reacted to questions and possible biases associated with being interviewed. Thompkins (2015) recognized two limitations of the study which are generalization and inclusion criteria concerning the sample size. Lastly, the author recommendation for future success focuses on the small sample size for this study and how a larger sample size should yield more significant