Everything in life teaches you a lesson, you just have to be willing to learn”, a statement I have heard from many people through my life. This chapter of my life has been incredibly hectic, but has taught me so much about what I need to contribute and gain knowledge on pertaining to my Country, where I live and the future we are building as a community. Qualities of a leader, such as being democratic, my rights and responsibilities as a Canadian citizen, what makes a global citizen and how all this will impact my future are all aspects of this course I have taken into major consideration. Without learning all this new information, I would not know how a decision I make during an election will impact the future of the entire country, or how …show more content…
This could be scary without the correct preparation, but thanks to learning about the civics of how our country is run, I feel confident walking into a new chapter of my life.
Being a leader in life is not something everyone is good at. Certain people were born to lead while others prefer to lay low and follow instructions. Leaders are not only found in politics and civics, but could also be your boss at work, the leader of group experiment you are conducting or the team captain. All leaders have various qualities that vary in importance from person to person. From this course, one of the specifics we focused on was having a democratic leading system. While leaders may have qualities such as being good communicators, being very opinionated and being loyal to their country, they can also be authoritarian (boss of all), democratic (listens to opinions) or laissez-faire leaders (let the group make the decision). When running a country, being
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Without this course, I wouldn’t have known my rights as a citizen as well, or the responsibilities I must follow in order to be a good citizen. God forbid, if I was in a situation where I was being hurt or mistreated in some way, I now know what my rights are and can effectively fight for myself, which is something I believe is very important. I feel grateful for taking this course and learning more about that. Along with rights come responsibilities. If you had asked me at the beginning of this course if I knew what the responsibilities of a citizen were, I’d probably be dumbfounded, but now I know that there is a lot more to being a member of a community then I originally thought. I need to maintain responsibilities of being informed, respecting others rights, participating in our communities and many others. Learning about these responsibilities and rights prepare me for unfortunate situations, knowing what my rights are in these circumstances, and will help me become a good citizen of our community, something all members should strive toward. Reflecting back, I am incredibly grateful to have learnt about these topics, because I am pretty sure without this course, I would never have thought about these aspects of my