Research Paper On Artemision

525 Words3 Pages

“In her honor, a great temple was built. It became known as Artemision. It was so imposing that it became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.” (Greek Gods & Goddesses, Artemis is an adventurous, athletic, interesting, and independant goddess who was honored by many. She is the goddess of wildlife, the moon, archery, and many more things. A few captivating details about Artemis is how she came to be, what her unique powers are, and her rivals. These three details about the divine female also have many other facts within them.

Firstly, Artemis’ parents are Leto, the goddess of dark nights and Zeus, the supreme god of the Olympians. After being chased by Hera, the wife of Zeus, Leto eventually found sanctuary on an island named Ortygia. While on the island, Leto gave birth to Artemis. “As soon as Artemis was born, she helped her mother to cross the straits over to Delos, where she then delivered Apollo, Artemis’ twin brother.” (The mythology of Artemis, Because of this, Artemis became the goddess of childbirth. …show more content…

Artemis is the goddess of is childbirth because she helped her mother, Leto, give birth to Apollo, her twin brother. She was also the goddess of the moon because hunters lurked for prey mostly during the night. Another thing she was the goddess of was hunters since she was a hunter as well. Also, Artemis was the goddess of the forest. When Artemis was a demigoddess, she asked her father Zeus to let her live in the forest-filled mountains. Lastly, Artemis also the goddess of archery because she used the bow and arrow as a weapon while she