Maslow Theory

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Humanistic theories of Rogers (person-centred) and Maslow (Self-Actualisation) evolution. Humanistic therapies or theories evolved in the USA during the 1950’s (McLeod, 2008). The theories to be dealt with are detailed in two categories which are Rogers’s Person-centred theory and Maslow’s Self-Actualisation. According to Weiten (2010) he emphasized that “person-centred theory is detailed in personality structure as The Self, Development of the self and Anxiety. Therapy could be simpler, warmer and more optimistic than that carried out by behavioural or psychodynamic psychologists” (Weiten, 2010). His views differs sharply from the psychodynamic and behavioural approaches in that he suggested that clients would be better helped if they were …show more content…

Rogers viewed the personality structure in terms of just one construct nonetheless the construct is thus called The Self (Weiten, 2010). According to Clifford T. Morgan (1979) Rogers reports that he did not start out intending to make the self a central idea in his theory, but had kept discovering that clients tended spontaneously to think in such terms.
Rogers also points to a positive trend in development, a striving “to actualize, maintain, and enhance the experiencing organism” (Morgan, 1979). In the matter a person might think that his IQ level is advanced whereas the grading suggests otherwise. There is a gap introduced by Rogers called Incongruence meaning that is the degree of disparity between one’s self-concept and one’s actual experience (Weiten, …show more content…

The prominent verdict in terms of critically based theme leaving myself perplexed is that Rogers did not actually give or put a clear hypothesis instead they were thus difficult to observe and also the research was not up to clear interpretation thus wanted people to research further.
Maslow’s Self actualization
Abraham Maslow is the creator of the Hierarchy of needs as it is the authoritative theory that distributes motivation and hence forth having a very prominent lead. According to Morgan (1966) Maslow believed that each person has an essential nature, a “skeleton of psychological structure”, part of it shared with all other human beings, but some of it unique. According to Weiten (2010) Maslow argued that psychology should take an optimistic view of human nature instead of dwelling on the causes of disorders.
In the provision or a clearer impression it says what you want to be something you must be and also as an individual is hungry for food he must eat to serve himself as a self-fulfilment for the process of growth in a proximity. People shares certain characteristics for instance they were self-aware and self-accepting, open and spontaneous, loving and not eventually paralysed by others opinions (Myers,