
Ryerson On The Job Observation Paper

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In recent years, Ryerson has developed a number of training programs in order to create opportunities and encourage long-term development for its employees. Ryerson’s innovators and leaders have put a significant amount of work into developing and implementing these programs that cover information relevant to the day-to-day operations of the company. These programs range anywhere from one day up to six months, and can be very effective in helping train and prepare employees for a wide variety of situations that will likely occur within the industry.
Although Ryerson has done a great job of developing and implementing these programs, there is work to be done concerning follow-up and effectiveness of these programs. It’s important to evaluate …show more content…

Level 3 is one of the most useful components of the Four-Level Method because it is used to assess how the knowledge gained from the training program has been transferred into the workplace, and how an employee’s behavior has changed as a result of this.
Level 4 (Results) – Possible area for improvement – Post-training, can be helpful in determining that results have been achieved, helps to improve future programs by showing how employees have used the training in the long-run, also justifies training costs – 6 months to 1 year
• Financial reports gauging whether or not there was an increase in sales/margins/productivity upon placement of candidate into local markets
• Define objectives of training program, interview with sales manager within 6 months – 1 year of completion to receive information on how employee is aligning with the objectives of the organization
Finally, Level 4 is very useful in determining the long-term successes and shortcomings of a training program. It ties quantifiable factors to the behaviors that have changed since participants entered the training. Through continuous improvement, the company can use unsatisfactory results in order to modify the training program and focus where the program might be falling …show more content…

IBM created what is known as the Assimilation Process and is defined by three steps: Affirming, Beginning, and Connecting. The Affirming and Beginning stages of the process are where the actual training comes into place. The Connecting stage of the process is completely based on follow-up of the training process. After two months on the job, the employee is assigned an “ask coach” who is essentially a mentor to make sure things are on track. Between four and six months, the coach meets with the employee to focus on the employee’s accomplishments and confirm that they are in line with the expectations of the company. This coach is appointed to the employee for the entire first year to help ensure the new employee is fully integrated into the company. SHRM noted, “One of the most valuable elements of the Assimilation Process is the individual assigned as a new employee’s coach – a friend to answer questions, reinforce concepts, share processes and tools, and help transmit the intangible cultural values of the

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