Scholarship Essay

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Over my time at Babson I have heard from several students as well as professors how valuable the MCFE program is, that I should definitely try to partake in it. After it has become clear to be this summer that I would like to go into the field of consulting as a pose to supply chain management. I decided that I would like to take advantage of the opportunity.

I am currently concentrating in Strategic Management and Supply Chain Management. I hope to go into consulting after graduation in May. My family business has a retail business that I hope to join at a later stage.

In the three years at Babson in most classes we have had group projects or presentations. Whereby you have to work in team. In all of these classes I have learned valuable lessons and skills. The most notable team work experience at Babson was the FME experience in …show more content…

After taking a strategic problem solving class, taught by professor Gertz, I apprehended that my passion for critical thinking, strategizing and resolving problems was a great fit for consulting. I enjoyed the dynamic of solving problems in different firms and industries. From eHarmony to Samsung electronics, I was able to use my ability of critical and integrative thinking to solve the problem. As I would like to gain real field work experience in consulting, I believe that this flagship program Babson offers could help prepare me tremendously.

I would like to continue to develop both my leadership and problem solving skills. I believe that these skill set apply to any line of business and can be extremely valuable. Although I am a strong team player, I consider this program to be an opportunity to improve my teamwork skills even more. That is the reason for applying as an individual. I would like to be challenged and work in a group dynamic that would be similar to a real world