Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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College athletes are manipulated every day. These athletes are working day in and day out to meet academic standards and to remain competitive/skillful in their sports. These athletes need to be awarded for the time and effort they put into their sports. Not only are these athletes not being rewarded but they are also living with no money. Athletes struggle to buy a burger at a fast food place because they have no money. Since the athletes put in about 44 hours a week on their sport, they can’t afford to get a job because of time management (Peter Jacobs). Because the athletes are living off of no money they are very likely to take money from others that are willing to help them out. Athletes will then resort to selling drugs or doing bad acts just to get money. College Athletes deserve to be paid because of all the hard work and dedication they have towards their sport and they need money to afford …show more content…

College athletes have very busy schedules that they follow day in and day out and when finished with their daily routines they are left with very little time to themselves. The athletes have to do things such as studying and going to class while enjoying their time at college as well. Besides from studying and going to class monday through friday, they also have to go to practice and work on their sport. Going to practice and then hitting the weight room takes up most of an athlete's day. Once the athletes have finished their studies and time practicing sports they have very little time to themselves. When all is said and done the college athletes remain unpaid and then have to spend time trying to find work. Even when the athletes get a job they have little to no time to work. Most jobs request the worker to work on most weekdays and definitely weekends. Athletes certainly don't have time on the weekends because they have to spend time studying, work on their sport, and travel with their