Should Obesity Be Banned Persuasive Essay

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While most people enjoy a fast food meal on occasion, others have it on an everyday basis. Whether it be a meal from Burger King or a homemade (but fatty meal), neither being a healthy choice. Some cities have begun to ban fatty items because of the increase in obesity, in hope that they will be able to create a better eating habit, though some people believe it is just a personal cost even though it affects the society as a whole. Some are driven towards obesity and feel that they should be able to eat whatever they want, even if it will kill them or put them in a spot that can be hard to get out of.
Obesity is the second leading cause of death killing twenty-six thousand Americans a year according to the ¨National Institutes of Health¨. This increasing number has led to the banning items and places to eat in certain cities, the increase has lead Los Angeles to ban restaurants that refused to make the food healthier according to “The New York Times Upfront¨. By banning items and restaurants L.A hopes to lower the obesity rate. They …show more content…

It maybe a simple thing like eating out once a week, that soon leads to eating out every night which will then lead to weight gain. Many people work long hours and think going out to eat is convenient choice, allowing them to take their time heading back to work. Everyone can make the decision to be active and healthy, but they have to be willing to put in the effort to make a change. In many cases, it can be particularly caused by how they were raised. Even if they were raised eating home cooked meals every night, they could slowly begin to eat unhealthy. Others may have low self esteem about themselves because of what they have been told by friends or bullies. With all of that on their shoulders they choose to go out to find something to make them feel better, sometimes it can be