Sleep Persuasive Essay

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Teens have a hard time focusing in school. How much sleep you need exactly depends on your genes and how much physical activity you channel into your sport, extra two hours of sleep a night can boost your speed by five percent and their accuracy by nine percent. when you get extra sleep you have better reflects Teens do not be physically active.

Athletes need more calories to fuel their bodies for their sport, they also need more shut-eye. It’s important for athletes to get extra sleep because they run a lot and they need their energy Training and competition can call for just as much mental strength as physical strength, and getting enough shut-eye can benefit you here too.
Working out giving you more strength which helps you get more sleep. Sleep is good for teens health, Sleep is important for healthy immune functions, because it boosts your odds of fighting off …show more content…

Each person has their own need for sleep. This need may vary from one person to another. Teens are at an important stage of their growth and development. Because of this, they need more sleep than adults. The average teen needs about nine hours of sleep each night to feel alert and well rested.” Chemical builds up, it causes you to feel sleepy, While you’re busy catching up on sleep your body clears itself of adenosine, which allows you to awaken feeling alert and refreshed, rather than tired. Your brain alerts your body when you're not getting enough sleep, then your body will slowly shut off. Sleep provides an opportunity for rejuvenation.

Many of the critical restorative functions in the body like tissue repair and muscle growth occur mostly or only during sleep. Stress can impact your life in many ways, including negatively affecting the quality of your sleep. It makes sense: You lie in bed, worrying and feeling anxious, which makes it almost impossible to relax and quiet your mind enough to fall