Social Networking College Essay

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Social Networking Website is online platform that allows user to create a public profile and interact with other users on the website. Some people use social networking sites for meeting new friends and to finds old friends. Some use social networking site in dominating force in the modern world that can change minds, catch more business, increase sales or build brand or business. Facebook and Google+ are some of the examples of the popular social networking site. Over the years, these social networking website have proven as effective platforms for meeting friends and family, for Marketing and Network of stranger. Facebook is one of the most popular social networking website and services in the whole world. It is created by Mark Zuckerberg with his friend Edward Saverin at Harvard University on …show more content…

There is no way to know who’ online right now. Additional options include snoozing notification, blocking people, deciding who can invite you to Hangout sand calling phones. The chat windows can be popped out to different windows and there is also a group chat in Hangouts. Facebook chat appears in the sidebar with a collapsible window. You can see who’s online right now and who’s available on mobile. There is also a group chat and video chats. Chat windows cannot pop out. Facebook does have messaging page featuring your inbox and other inbox where all messages saved even your offline. Adding friends, this is one of the biggest different between Google+ and Facebook. Google+ has a circle where you can add friends to your circle without having authorized them and organize your friends according to which ever circles you want. It can easily specify your friends in which circles they belong. While in Facebook, you need to authorize each other when adding friends. Facebook now add the ability to follow people’s public posts without authorized