Spice Of Russia Research Paper

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Russia: Spice Essay Russia has a long history and covers a huge tract of land. The country is located in western Europe and Northern Asia. It has large social inequalities which were typically accepted, but also caused some peasant revolts, and even a revolution. Russia was also a monarchy, serfdom, socialist state, and now a republic. Being so far North, Russia has sparked many inventors to create items that are used today. Russia is typically seen as a very exclusive society, yet it’s culture is a mix from Japanese, Mongolian, Turkish, Islamic, and other cultures. Russia’s economy isn’t very great compared to the U.S’s and has even more distinct economic inequalities, like the social inequalities. Russia is, however, a very unique society …show more content…

Most women are raised with parents who teach them to become good cooks and mothers. The men, on the other hand, are seen as the bread winners for the family. However, with modern education, more women are getting jobs rather than being stay at home moms. Despite this, the main priority for most women is still family. Like most countries, Russia has multiple social classes. The only two distinguishable classes in almost all of Russia’s history are an upper and lower class. For example, there was the aristocrats and serfs in the czarist era, and the elite and everyone else in the communist era. Social level placement can be based off of not just the father’s class, but also the mother’s. A person’s social class in Russia is defined by their economic standpoint. After the soviet union collapsed, many people fell below the poverty line. Many people still are below the poverty line, with little mobility to change social levels. Most of the upper class came to be because of high-risk entrepreneur experiments and ties to the mafia. Social class mobility also isn’t equal throughout the country. Southern cities such as Moscow have good economic opportunities not found in the Northern …show more content…

Before the Russian state was formed, the country’s current borders contained competing chiefdom tribes. The first formation of a Russian state was at Moscow, with Ivan the Terrible being the first Tsar of the Russian empire. The Tsar is a Russian Monarch. Tsar Alexei I turned Russia into a serfdom by the Sobornoye Ulozheniye, which lasted many years. The anti-Tsarist revolution started in 1905 and other revolutions followed collectively known as the Russian Revolution. The revolution was caused by the high inequalities between the peasants and elites, many peasants were starving while the elites were living lavishly. The revolution was halted during World War 1, but since Russia suffered major defeats, the Revolution came back even stronger than it was initially. The Bolsheviks created a civil war during the revolution and, once they emerged victorious, created a socialist government known as the Soviet