
Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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Pencils, erasers, paper, do you remember taking your tests as a kid. What do you remember taking tests as a kid. Kids should not base all of their learning off of computerized tests. We should not use standardized tests. The tests which cost billions of dollars are famous for making big time consuming errors. If all we do is get students ready to take tests they will not be ready for the real world.Teachers shouldn't be rewarded or punished for this because it isn't a precise way to measure their skill. The tests which cost billions of dollars are famous for making big time consuming errors. NCS Pearson, which has a $254 million contract to administer Florida's Comprehensive Assessment Test, delivered the 2010 results more than a month late and their accuracy was challenged by over half the state's superintendents(Valerie Strauss, "New Test Scoring Problems for Pearson,” Washington Post, July 19, 2010). When the American people spend tax dollars on this program we expect it to work and it does not. If the people who make these standardized tests want them to be used then they need to work harder on making them error free. …show more content…

China displaced Finland at the top of the 2009 PISA rankings because, as explained by Jiang Xueqin, Deputy Principal of Peking University High School, "Chinese schools are very good at preparing their students for standardized tests. For that reason, they fail to prepare them for higher education and the knowledge economy(Jiang Xueqin, "The Test Chinese Schools Still Fail,” Wall Street Journal, Dec. 8, 2010). Just taking standardized tests and sending us out is the same thing as teaching someone how to pull back a bow and then send them into battle. Standardized tests only teach kids how to take a test, but not how to live

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