
Stephen F. Midlock's Case Studies For Educational Leadership Solving Administrative Dilemmas

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In the assigned case study laid out in Stephen F. Midlock’s book, “Case Studies for Educational Leadership Solving Administrative Dilemmas,” the principal became aware of a large number of referrals been given to students not dressing for Physical Education class. The majority of these students written up were overweight. The principal met with the Physical Education staff and students to gather information about the situation and identify possible solutions. The staff communicated their strong belief that it was the student’s responsibility to wear the assigned uniform and have the self-discipline to follow the expectations. After meeting with students, the principal discovered that the assigned uniforms made some feel self-conscious. However, upon sharing this information with the staff, they replied with no empathy towards their students. Furthermore, the principal collected information from the surrounding high schools on their uniform policies and learned many allow students to wear workout clothes or sweats in school colors. Nevertheless, their staff did not want to …show more content…

I would begin by conveying my appreciation for their strong conviction for students to learn self-discipline and responsibility within their classes. I would communicate that alongside of respecting their perspective, I want us, as a staff, to focus on creating solutions to ensure every student has access to the curriculum. Therefore, I would charge them to conduct some research, develop an updated mission statement, and review current policies to ensure they are in alignment with the newly developed mission statement. Weekly meeting notes would be sent to me through a working Google document, to ensure I stay up to date on their

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