Steve Jobs Research Paper

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In today’s modern society, with the development of technology, two companies particularly prominent which are Microsoft and Apple. These respectively represent two commercial technology giants: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Since years, it’s been a controversial debate on these two personalities who put effort in the tunnel of technology. Steve jobs and Bill gates both revolutionized the world of technology and inventions. Although, Steve Jobs and Bill gates have similarities, on the other hand they have many contrasts about their childhood background and personalities. Steve jobs and Bill gates both revolutionized the world of technology and inventions. No matter how much rivalry or competition, both Bill Gates and Steve jobs achieved …show more content…

They also had similarities between them such as co-founding their companies along with another person,Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. And
Steve Jobs co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak. Jobs worked together with Steve,

they both taking in idea and developing them into a product. Despite the similarities they have in way to success, they have many differences.
Bill came from a very rich family so he wanted to make a big name to keep the family prestige intact. While Jobs was adopted and was a self made person. Bill had a wealthy family background. His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way.
Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
Meanwhile, Jobs was adopted by a normal couple. Paul and Clara adopted Jobs and his sister, and the family moved to Mountain View, California in 1961.It was during this time that Paul built a workbench in his garage for his son in order to "pass along his love of mechanics." Jobs finally admired his father's craftsmanship. Bill Gates wanted to make a big name to keep the family prestige intact.He wanted to …show more content…

He had no money for inventions, the family adopted him and his sister was a normal income level, so he had to take a high risk of failure. Bill and Jobs were come from extremely different level family, so the starting point for them are different.
Moreover, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have instinctively different personalities, one has unabashed individuality while another is more modesty. Bill likes to advertise himself, he always boastful about his experience. Bill Gates has two books written by him, these books called `Business @ The Speed of Thought' and `The
Road Ahead'. In addition to that, he also has books written about him like `Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire'. On the other hand, Jobs is a modesty person. Steve Jobs does not have any books written by him but there were books written about him like `The Second Coming of Steve Jobs' and `Steve Jobs and The

NeXT Big Thing'. Jobs was a public speaker as well. He was more active and creative than Bill. Jobs speech used to gain more applause and praise among youngsters especially, he always used to tell them to follow their intuitions and not to live someone else’s life. Unlike Job, Bill is more ordinary boring person.Bill

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