Strategic Plan Development

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To build an organization or to make changes within an organization, a plan must be formulated that will encompass current and future internal and external environmental factors. This type of planning is termed strategic planning, which is a two part process consisting of the "development of a 3, 5 or 10 year plan and execution of the organization's strategy"(Buchbinder 78). The foundation of the strategic plan development is the SWOT analysis, an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT analysis aids the organization plan for current and future market changes that can affect the organization. The strengths and weakness of an organization are used to compare the internal potential of the organization …show more content…

Two forms of marketing are Social marketing and Cause related marketing. Social marketing is the process of influencing the acceptance of social ideas through the promotion of products and services, whereas, cause and related marketing is the promotion of social issues by a for-profit organizations. However, regardless of the type of marketing used, marketing is a strategic process which also requires SWOT analysis, as mentioned earlier. SWOT is used in marketing to segment, target and position the organization for the needs in a particular …show more content…

The characteristics of "health insurance is how it is financed, how costs are controlled and the types of benefits offered"(Buchbinder p.152). The two forms of health insurance financing are prepayment and fee-for-service, although there are normally out of pocket expenses in the forms of copayments, deductibles and coinsurance that is the responsibility of the individual patient for most private insurances and some social health insurances. Private health insurance methods of payment are different than public health coverage. Private health insurance reimburse providers either via retrospective or prospective payments while public health insurance reimburse providers using methods such as types of care required, physician based and contractural allowances, DRG, and case mix. These finances are managed by certain healthcare administrators, such as the CFO, the controller, treasurer and internal auditor to generate revenue while controlling cost

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