During the analysis of Ted Cruz’s speech at Liberty University, the campaign committee used strategic setting, illustrated the American Dream and appealed to Christian values to successfully influence their audience to follow Ted Cruz in his run for president. On March 23, 2015, Senator Ted Cruz kicked off his Presidential Campaign in Virginia at Liberty University, where its socially conservative student body became a political powerhouse. According to Ken Cuccinelli, president of the Senate Conservatives Fund and former Virginia attorney general, Liberty has become a powerful organizing center for conservative activists; Liberty produces thousands of graduates who volunteer and vote for conservative causes. Cruz’s speech focused on the American Dream and the agenda of the Republican right, as he described his campaign as a movement of “courageous conservatives.”
Ted Cruz, a republican, was born in Canada to an American mother who was born in the state of Delaware. Many legal experts say Cruz meets the qualifications because he was born to an American mother. Cruz states that the constitution makes it “clear and straightforward,” about any child born to a U.S citizen is a natural-born citizen. Cruz also says that his interpretation of a “natural-born citizen” is anyone who is a U.S citizen at birth, and doesn’t necessarily have to be born in the country.
"We can secure the border and reform our immigration system without inflammatory rhetoric, without base appeals to divide us," Perry said. Reminding the crowd of his 14-year tenure as governor of Texas, Perry noted how his state borders Mexico and he secured the border when President Obama refused to do so. The real estate mogul began his campaign on talking heavily about the immigration problem and how Mexico sends murderers and rapists across the border. This helped Trump gain momentum throughout the summer, which resulted in huge support and leading the polls in first of the nation states as well as nationally. "Demeaning people of Hispanic heritage is not just ignorant, it betrays the example of Christ,” Perry said.
But he warned that this all stands on realizing “that our rights don’t come from man. They come from God Almighty.” Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who witnessed the speech, said, “Senator Cruz seems to understand that the next generation of believers is looking for conviction — not a milquetoast version of the Gospel that requires nothing.” [2] For a university that is highly conservative, a man with the same mission as the Republican right is the ideal candidate for
His honest response to the incoming of an uncontrollable amount of people moving to the United States, is that immigration should be reduced and our nation should attempt to aim for the goal of enforcing stronger policies. His three policies that he proposes are, the “United States should develop comprehensive and responsible immigration and foreign policies that reduce illegal
Bernie Sanders believes that immigrants play a central role in the American economy and in American citizens’ everyday lives. However, he feels that undocumented workers are abused by some politicians for political gain and put in the dark. The only way to end this disgraceful situation and fix the enormous problem we face as a country, in Sanders opinion, is to end the division and become united. The Fair and Humane Immigration Policy will unite all peoples living in America, legal and illegal, consequently, binding the division in our country.
Marco Rubio was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010, representing his home state of Florida. Rubio is a member of the Republican party, and holds many conservative political views. On April 11th 2015, Rubio announced that he intended to seek the Republican nomination for President of the United States, in the upcoming 2016 general election. Rubio gave a speech in Miami, detailing his interest to seek the Republican nomination. Within his speech, certain aspects of Rubio’s unique political ideology can be seen.
Instead of building a wall to prevent illegal immigration, Johnson suggests that the United States should simply have forthright background checks and improve paperwork for family connections. In this case, border controls can keep
Every four years Americans cast their votes in order to determine the President of our country for the next four years. Around this time, potential candidates step forth and tell America they are throwing their hats into the ring in hopes of leading America for the next four years. This year, 2016, is the time for all these potential presidents to discuss issues and gain potential voters across the country in order to win the primaries and the presidential election. This report will discuss two of them; Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio along with their views education, the environment, and health care.
He also states that we should recognize the root of immigration to solve it. Schwarzenegger mentions the wrong choice that American makes. He says that "In a free society it 's not possible to have border security. We are advised that in order to secure the borders, we must deport 12 million people"(cite). His refutation of these arguments is bringing up the cost how much it would take.
As a natural-born Texan, growing up on the South side of San Antonio, I can personally attest to how important our border and shared relationship is with Mexico. The United States as a whole is not very connected with Mexico with the exception of border states like Arizona, New Mexico, and California. However, the Texas border still continues to be struggling heavily and no change seems to be coming in the near future. As Governor, my policy for improving the economic deficient areas near the Texas border is simple. Regain control over our border lines and reinforce police control over gangs, human trafficking, and drug smuggling to America, begin to nurture the small border towns that need extreme help, and continue to improve the overall
Deportation “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.” (Trump). I agree with the part that some of the criminals shall be deported.
My candidate, Bernie Sanders believes we should put a stop to the notion that the border must be secured before the legalization can happen. He has quoted that, “We are a nation of immigrants. I am the son of an immigrant myself. Their story, my story, our story is a story of America: hardworking families coming to the United States to create a brighter future for their children.
Obama suggest immigration has many purposes and will help in many ways. An example is the advantageous it is for the nation to have immigrants, as oppose to others. This is the reason why Obama has not extracted all illegal immigrants. Rather, Obama believes it is unfair to those who have been here all their lives, the idea was proposed to give illegal immigrants a sort of permission of say a give time. The outcome of this speech ended with the denial of the immigration reform.
This proposal states that if the illegals register, and they have a clean record, Carson would give them the chance to become a guest-worker. Carson later says that a guest- worker would “not [be] citizens, not voting people, [and] not people who get goodies.” If the guest- workers later would wish to become citizens, “the American people will decide what the criteria for that ought to be.” Carson states his side of Republicanism also on his opinion of how taxes should be pain, and of course more. Carson states that he would like to change the tax system into a proportional tax system.