Teacher Leadership Philosophy

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What does the idea of teacher leadership mean to you?
In the past, teacher leadership was often only for those who wished to advance their career, and eventually move away from actually being a teacher in the classroom. Today, teacher leadership is for those that wish to study new teaching ideas and best practices, test these methods in the classroom, develop a specialized skill, and then share what they have learned with their colleagues. Teacher leadership is also an important part of shared leadership. Shared leadership encompasses the creation of leadership roles or decision-making opportunities for teachers, staff members, students, parents, and community members, and is a way to include the “voices”,(opinions, viewpoints, feedback, …show more content…

However, I believe that being a part of the Galileo program is exactly what I am ready for at this point in my career. This is my 26th year teaching in Walled Lake, and I still have a constant drive and desire to improve myself and my teaching on a daily basis. While participating in Galileo, I feel that may begin in small ways, such as providing resources and helping struggling colleagues or sharing thoughts during our staff meetings. My desire and goal of being part of the Galileo program is to strengthen my leadership skills and to allow me to become more comfortable speaking in front of my colleagues and other groups, and to share all of the countless wonderful things that I will learn. Furthermore, I believe that I will be able to develop stronger lesson plans, improve my instruction, and acquire new professional skills. It is my plan to serve on a school and/or district leadership teams as well. Another area that I would like to be involved with is activities or programs that engage students in efforts to improve their school, district, and/or community using community-based education and projects. Facilitating professional learning opportunities among staff members is a role that I relish taking on. When teachers learn with and. Among the most important roles that I would obtain while being a teacher leader would be to assume the role of a learner. Learners model constant improvement, exhibit lifelong learning, and utilize what they have learned to help all other members of their organization to