Teaching Philosophy Statement

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As an educator, I view forming relationships as an essential component in everything I do in schools. My experiences as a student and as a future educator has helped shaped and developed my teaching philosophy and my role as a teacher. It has helped guide the choices I make in regards to how my students will learn, teaching strategies I employ and the classroom management techniques I most gravitate towards.
My role as an educator is to be a facilitator and provide my students with extensive support while encouraging them to excel in all of their endeavors and help them grow academically, personally, morally and emotionally. I firmly believe that forming close relationships with each child, along with their families and learning about their community lays the foundation to create a welcoming environment that will help inspire students to become upright citizens with a passion in becoming lifelong learners who willing and …show more content…

I believe that students learn best by doing and as a teacher it is my responsibility to prepare instructional materials that incorporate a mix of practical hands on activities that emphasize collaborative and cooperative group work. As a strong supporter of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development theory which refers to the difference between a student’s ability to perform a task with the guidance of their teacher or with peer collaboration and their ability in solving the problem without help. I believe that learning should be assisted; well scaffold and always bearing in mind that all students have their own learning styles requiring their own specific needs, most importantly they all bring an array of strengths and weakness that sets forth in motion the process where students and teachers learn from one another. In order for this to occur I have to create a classroom environment that is safe, invites the sharing of ideas and promotes care and respect for the school and all

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