
Teaching Philosophy Statement

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I want to be able to make a difference in my community by educating the younger generation. The first 7 years of a child's education are the most important, this is when they adapt to studying habits, and the way they learn best, therefore, my career goal is to become an elementary teacher. What interests me the most about becoming a teacher is definitely not the money, however, the fact that I can be a leader to kids and actually be able to make a difference in their lives is very important to me. I believe that I can be successful in this career because I’ve always had a way with not just children but with people in general. It's important to have a relationship with the children and their parents because they will always want to know how their child is doing in class. The experiences I've had so far that have made me want to pursue this career is that I am currently in the ‘Teachers Tomorrow Program’. In this program I get to spend one on one time with kids who attend my school, therefore, I actually got to experience how to teach a class. …show more content…

These include preparing for classes, teaching classes, evaluating student progress, encouraging students, maintaining discipline in the classroom, and communicating with parents about students’ progress. These are important to keep up with because if you fall behind, then the students fall behind, therefore, that's not effective for their learning. A great teacher respects students, creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom, is enthusiastic and caring, and sets high expectations for all students. All of these characteristics are important to maintain in a classroom to give a student encouragement that they will

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