The Apparent-Age Theory Of Religion

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In a world that revolves around justification, religion sometimes is something that can not be justified. Christian churches are struggling with this idea of giving present day evidence to long time and newcoming members. This is what many people call the division of science and religion. Many churches are losing members because of this divide and the only way to fix it, is to give that scientific evidence that backs up the word of the Bible. This is a very difficult task for the leaders of the Church as there is little evidence to prove the creation story which is stated within the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Although there is little proof to give to the members, churches can present scientific present day ideas that relate to different …show more content…

It is similar to the first proposition because it is using the studies found by geologists and the manuscripts of the Bible to determine how the world was created. This theory according to the Blue Bible Corporation says that it revolves around the Greek word yom which means day in our English language (Nine Views). In Greek, yom can be interpreted as an era or a long lasting time. This theory is strictly using the studies of science and the meaning of the Greek word yom to decide the interpretation of the creation story. Genesis says God created the world is 6 days, but in this exegesis it means 6 eras. The meaning of the word yom in the Greek language make these scientific studies make sense within the premise. God created the earth in 6 eras and that is how the earth can be considered 6 billion years old. It is a premise that combines science and by going back into different meanings of words before the Bible was translated to English. The Blue Bible Letter Corporation says “while this is a fairly attractive position for many science-minded Christians”, it isn’t for all members. (Nine Views of Creation). Not everything makes sense to everyone especially since religion is mostly based on opinions and beliefs, so that is why the Church should present many different ideas. This gives members a chance to make their religion personal to …show more content…

It is another idea of how and when the world was created. It follows directly what the Bible says in Genesis except with a gap in between verses 1 and 2. This is because of the story of how Satan came to be. In the book Isaiah, it says “Lucifer, "Light Bringer," rebelled against the laws of God, thus he rebelled against God Himself. Desiring independence from God's legislation, he tried to depose God and become the sovereign ruler of the universe. Great chaos and destruction resulted among the heavenly bodies and on earth” (Isaiah 14:12-15). This verse in Isaiah explains the war between God and Lucifer, who is now known as Satan. Lucifer wanted all the power and rebelled against God. Believers of the Gap theory take this war between God and Lucifer and use it to help connect the studies of how old the Earth is and the creation story. Therefore the supporters of this theory say that they “believe that the universe was created full-form and populated only to be decimated by a cataclysmic war led between God and Satan” (Nine Views). Those who believe in this premise believe that because of this war there is a “gap” between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. This war left the earth a wasteland and since it was in such a bad state, God had to recreate the Earth. The rest of the creation story was written after the war which would be the rest of Genesis. The Gap Theory tends to settle well with most members of the church because