
The Fast Food Industry And Obesity Epidemic

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The fast-food industry is a contributing factor in the global obesity epidemic as a new study from the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that around two billion people worldwide, approximately 30% of the world’s population, are either overweight or obese. In that 30%, around 10% are obese and 20% are overweight. To this day fast food remains the contributing factor for gaining weight. Many people young and old are discouraged when they see their weight on the scale. They are placing the blame on the food they are choosing to eat for there weight gain. With the increase in weight, humans are not aware of the serious health consequences they are putting themselves at risk of. Numerous studies across the world have uncovered that many …show more content…

Greasy foods tend to directly impact a certain number of humans mentally. The mental impact of consuming fast food can affect our way thinking or our choices of actions and etc… Most teens or adults would assume that stress and depression is develop on its own in their body. But in fact a big amount of fast food can actually be the cause of depression. The University of Granada made a discovery that 51% of people who eat Fast Food on a day to day basis, are at risks of developing depression. Another study from the University of Pennsylvania discovered that when humans are in sad place, feeling stressed or have anxiety we tend to eat a lot fatty, greasy foods. Researchers from Penn State have revealed that the "disordered" eating habits, including eating fast food, affects our moods. While there was no improvement or to feel more positive after eating fast food, participants who already felt down said that they were feeling worse after eating unhealthily. Penn State concluded that "Comfort food" may not be so comforting after all. In Canada many experiments were done about . Canadian analysts found that even thinking about fast food can lead to peoples to feel impatient or in a hurry. In another experiments, people who viewed fast food logos and then read their slogans rushed through them more quickly than person who wasn’t exposed to the logos. Fast food eaters can have unconscious influences on behavior and …show more content…

The advertisements on Tv can affect our decisions. In that meaning our social life can be affected by fast food and by the brands decision on how to advertise. They mostly chose to advertise in a way to attract our attention. Childhood obesity is an escalating problem around the world that is especially in the United-States. Most kids are being social influenced by the advertisements on the TV. The commercials get into the kids and their families and really influences their decisions on food. A study at the University of New York that a ban on advertisements would reduce the number of overweight children ages 3–11 by 18 percent and would reduce the number of overweight adolescents ages 12–18 by 14 percent. The fast food industries spend more than $10 billion per year to advertise their products to children in the United States. One of the goals of marketing is to make sure children recognize the particular products and logos. By 2 years old, children may have beliefs about specific brands (types of food). From ages 2- to 6 children tend to recognize familiar brand names, packaging, logos. What is known to attract children’s attention in the bright colours, shapes and famous characters associated to the brands. By middle childhood, most kids can name multiple brands names and there food, for example: for most children that know McDonald’s they know what is a happy meal. Socially the fast food industry tries to greasy food become part of

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