Reflective Essay On Work Experience

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As Bradley Wiggins, a British cyclist, once said, “The changing of goals helps keep motivation fresh.” Similar to Wiggins, I have been experiencing burnout with regards to the academic goals that I made prior to attending Drexel University. For instance, when I started my academic career at Drexel, I was extremely motivated to attain academic excellence and to join community service-oriented organizations. Having been a student at Drexel University for the past four years, I have been able to accomplish most of those academic goals. As a result, I have been feeling lost as to what my next plan of action should be, which has been challenging my motivation to exceed in academia. Participating in this course has made me realize that I should create new goals, especially career-related goals, because I will soon outgrow these academic goals. In the past, I have tended to treat my career goals with less priority than my academic goals. While my co-op jobs have given me practical work experience, I haven’t appreciated how these experiences gave me awareness about myself. However, discussion about career indecision has convinced me that I should start reflecting on what these co-op experiences have taught me about myself. As a result, this paper will help me to translate my previous work experiences into short-term and long-term career goals. In terms of my short-term conceptual career goals, I believe that further education is necessary for me to …show more content…

While my “dream” law school is the University of Pennsylvania, it would be more realistic for me to attend Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. Since I am from the Philadelphia area, law school presents the opportunity for me to explore another area of the country. However, it is my preference to stay within the local area, because this is where the majority of my family