The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Abortion is murder. The killing of a innocent human being is wrong . i don't think abortion is right i think it s really wrong .Whether than getting a abortions you should think about putting your baby up for adoption.Also,At least 38 states have passed similar fetal homicide laws.The federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act,which was enacted ‘to protect unborn children from assault and murder,states that under federal law,anybody intentionally killing or attempting to kill an unborn child should be punished. Life being at conception,so unborn babies are human beings with a right life.Abortion is the killing of a human being which defies the word of God.Abortion cause psychological damage.Abortions reduce the number …show more content…

Abortions is a very controversial matter in our society.In the United States it is legal to abort a baby up until the day of birth.An abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth which results in the death of an embryo. Supporters of abortion are also known as to be Pro choice .Abortion has been around for thousands of years.The U.S Supreme Court Case Of Roe vs Wade in 1973 has made abortion legal in America.The ruling was that babies are not legal persons from that point on they have had no rights or protection under our Constitution.A women has a right to make decisions that i love her body .Our government has always respected the individual's right to privacy.A woman's reproductive system should not be subject to government …show more content…

It can be very difficult to exactly state at which point the embryo human being .However,man people agree on the fact that the fetus takes u human form and becomes a human a long ie before birth .If they think of the fus as a human being right when i is conceives,the aboio at any stage would be considered as murder.but even the,is the baby ny part of the other ?And does she not have the right

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