The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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Gun Laws

More gun control laws should not be put into place. Some people might disagree but most gun control laws that are trying to be passed are to ban rifles and some are to make it harder and almost impossible to get a gun. The NRA has sued states over this because these laws that states want to be passed are unconstitutional and infringe upon the second amendment, the Right to Bear Arms. More gun control laws should not be put into place.

First off, the second amendment of the US constitution protects individual gun ownership. It also protects the rights of free speech, free press, and freedom of religion, from being taken by the government. Any laws concerning gun control would infringe upon the second amendment. The NRA is taking action to keep these laws from being put into place because they will give the government too much power and will likely result in a ban on guns altogether. It will upset the gun owning population in the US to the point where it could start another war in the US and divide the country again. …show more content…

Wayne Lapierre, the executive vice president of the NRA, said “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” Studies have shown that guns are rarely used for self-defense, but this is false. According to the NRA, guns are used for self-defense 215 times a year. 61% of men and 56% of women surveyed by pew research said that stricter gun laws would make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and families. Therefore, by having more gun laws, people are denied a sense of