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Gun control vs gun rights argumentative essay
Opposing sides of gun control
Gun control vs gun rights argumentative essay
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In the late 1770s, the Constitution caused much controversy and pitted the Federalists and Anti-Federalists against each other even further (“Brief History”). The Constitution created a stronger central government and weaker state governments which Anti-Federalists were not in favor of. (“Brief History”). The Constitution also included three branches of government: executive, judiciary, and legislative and included checks and balances. The new constitution caused many to speak out in opposition and for it and among those people were James Madison and Mercy Otis Warren.
In San Diego cali. school there was a shooting with a 15 year old who killed 2 people and injured 13. Some say that he was smiling when he pulled the trigger. this event and many others have lead to the demand for stricter gun laws. however, gun laws punish honest citizens.
In 1987, the bill that would soon become a law and make buying guns safer was introduced in congress. This bill was named after James Brady hints the name, “Brady Bill.” James Brady was the White House Press Secretary at the time. He was permanently disabled after receiving a gunshot wound to his forehead in 1981, in the attempted Ronald Reagan assassination. This bill required licensed firearms importers, manufactures, or dealers to wait five days before selling a handgun to another person not licensed under federal law.
The U.S. is in dire need of stricter gun control laws. Many citizens would refute this claim, however, not the majority. In fact, the large majority of United States citizens are in agreement that stricter gun control is needed (Spitzer). Why then are so few gun control bills passed into law? The answer is influence, and perhaps even more so passion.
On September 25 of 1789 our founding fathers constructed the Constitution of the United States, Which included the second Amendment where it allowed civilians the right as American to bear arms. On October 22,1968 president Lyndon B. Johnson signed a The Gun Control law of 1968. The Gun control act of 1968 was part of a “great society” movement by president Johnson that was initiated after the assassination of president Kennedy (Eakins). In the 1994 ban signing by president Clinton and the federal government, which imposed 19 types of military-style weapons to be banned for ten- years. This legislation was intended to reduce the gun violence and decreased national tragedies.
Criminals don’t follow laws. Gun control laws are more oppressive on citizens than criminals, which is literally someone who has broken, or is breaking, a law. Why are some gun control laws and rulings so heavily pushed? Especially considering that the majority of these laws have very little actual basis aside from the “guns are scary and bad” train of thought. This is going to be going into why most of these laws, current, and proposed, make no sense such as the Magazine Capacity bans that some states are putting in place, the entirety of the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), and the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban(AWB).
The Brady Act would be strength based if there were not loopholes in the law for getting guns such as not requiring background checks for private sellers, online gun dealers, and trade shows. However, new laws that close the loopholes and tighter gun control laws that include several laws are strength based because they do lower the death rates and violence caused from firearms. Research studies show a correlation between states that do have strict gun laws compared to others that are lax. One study done by the “researchers at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Public Health, uses a measure of state-by-state legislative strength of gun control policies tracked by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence,
Criminals who ignore laws in the first place, will not follow laws restricting them having guns. Thomas Sowell stated, “The key fallacy of so-called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available.” Even with gun laws people would still find ways to get guns, but they would start to get them illegally through the black market. John Stossel, Author of “gun control isn't crime control” says “It seems counterintuitive but makes sense if we consider one simple fact: Criminals don't obey the law.
Kids are afraid of many things, such as clowns, the dark, spiders, terrorists, but guns shouldn’t belong to that list. Children aren’t supposed to know about guns at a young age. Children usually become more aware about guns at an age where they start to play video games with guns. Some kids even hear about school shootings on the news. If Gun control laws were more strict there would be a smaller percent chance of guns getting in the wrong hands.
Gun Laws More gun control laws should not be put into place. Some people might disagree but most gun control laws that are trying to be passed are to ban rifles and some are to make it harder and almost impossible to get a gun. The NRA has sued states over this because these laws that states want to be passed are unconstitutional and infringe upon the second amendment, the Right to Bear Arms. More gun control laws should not be put into place. First off, the second amendment of the US constitution protects individual gun ownership.
If not guns, it's knives. If not knives, it's clubs. If not clubs, what's next? As much as we would like to believe we live in a perfectly sound world, the reality is, the world which we live will always have crime. Contrary to popular belief, gun crime is not the only kind of crime there is.
Also, it is indisputable that the United States have had a long history of using guns. Guns are widely used for hunting and self-defense in the United States. Gun history is a part of nation’s heritage. Gun control laws are completely useless which should be reduced, because guns are used for self-defense, the laws cannot help ordinary citizens out of danger. There are numerous issues around gun control laws including usage problems, personal problems and enforcement problems.
In America, guns are one of the most controversial subjects. Millions of Americans believe gun regulation should increase, while some even believe that firearms should be banned. There are also millions of Americans that believe gun laws are strict enough. Before you can create an opinion, you need to analyze the facts on firearms in America. This can be done by learning gun history, pros and cons of firearms in America, and how US gun regulations have changed over time.
Violence is around us and always happens. Even guns are associated with violence. This needs to stop and the problem needs to be fixed now. Guns have gotten a bad reputation over its time and have become worse due to crime. That is why gun laws were made to control the use of gun ownership, and to reduce crime.
In today’s society guns play a major role in many ways. People are divided in figuring out if guns have a negative impact or positive impact. There are many restrictions on guns and some people feel there second amendment rights are being taken away. A question to ponder is, if Americans aren’t in favor of guns why do they collectively own over 300 million. Gun control laws affect citizens Second Amendment rights, right to self defense, and they have proven injustice.