Thesis Statement Essay: Housebreaking Sexual Assault

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As a freshman in UVic, I feel almost everything here was wonderful and pleasant in the past few month. But I also believe there are something could be better, including the safe issues.

In the last past few months, there were many sexual criminal cases happened in the surrounding area of the campus. On January 30, this year, I signed in the homepage of UVic and noticed a the warning on the upper left corner of the webpage. The warning said there was a housebreaking sexual assault happened in the surrounding area of campus. Two Asian girls became the injured party of this issue. On March first1, there was another sexual offense issue happened, similarly, in the surrounding area of campus. I suggest youto have your thesis statement at the …show more content…

It is easy to imagine that how hard those girls would be to face the fact. These offense actions cause harm on both their physical and psychological. Besides the injured girls, after those issues happened, a sizable amount of students is worrying about their personal safety, especially female students. Many female friends of mine feel unsafe to walk alone to home or stay in library after dark. Few of them called for their boyfriends to accompany with them. But most of them choose to come back home as early as possible. The feel of unsafe is not that good. In the latest days, my roommate and I have to check if the door and window was locked before we go to bed, well, which is a favorable habit may be.

It is an universally acknowledge that university campus is an open area for everyone. That is to say, the offenders is free to appear in almost every corner in campus. The probability of sexual criminal increases. Besides, according to the news, the case happened in March 1 was an acquaintance rape case. Most students in university is fond of make friends and held a party. It is a good chance for bad guys to gain girls’ trust. Then the girls are tend to be vulnerable to those bad