
To Overcome Challenges And Influences Listeners, By Karen Freidman

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The purpose of this report is to detail the importance of commination in the workplace and propose new strategies for the business undergoing gaps in conversation and poor transmission of information.
Communicate Clearly
How to communicate effectively at work, the most effective way to communicate in the work place is to be as direct as possible (Adams, 2011). The book, Shut Up and Say Something: Strategies To Overcome Challenges and Influences Listeners, was written by Karen Freidman. In her book, she focuses on communication in the workplace and compares the communication style to new casters with a no-nonsense style. Karen was a reporter for 37 years and her professional career has enabled her to become somewhat …show more content…

However, with all the opportunities comes with a variety of projects to complete at the same time. As a matter of fact, when the opportunities arise there is much confusion on who is responsible to complete the tasks such as; practice times, costuming, location, communicate details to parents, music etc. Therefore, in order to effectively communicate what is required to complete each task, a project planner form would be implemented to assign each staff member involved and to clearly delegate who is responsible for what. This will then create a more cohesive unit for the staff, along with, clearly establishing the staff’s involvement and responsibilities. Wasyluk states, Communication can create team cohesiveness in the workplace (2016, p.1). When coworkers have an open dialogue with one another they are more likely to work as a team; therefore, work towards a common goal to complete projects. It is recommended the employer check in with their employees to ensure the employees feel as though they are being heard. The employer can validate the employees presents just by starting up a conversation and this will improve the communication within the company. In addition, companies can focus on a stronger focus of company culture in order to make employees to have a better connection with one another. Lastly, the boss that has an open door policy will …show more content…

The poor communication causes frustration between the staff, in addition, the customers become frustrated with the lack of information communicated. The customers need to know important dates for upcoming events and/or fees. According to an article, (Doyle, 2017, p. 1). Top 10 communication skills for workplace success. The top 10 communication skills in a work place are as follows; listening, nonverbal communication, clarity and concision, friendliness, confidence, empathy, open-mindedness, respect, feedback, and picking the right moment (2017, p.1). Each element that is stated provides skills to apply to make the appropriate improvements in the workplace. For example: listening- to be an active listener will help those understand what the other is conveying and in the end being able to provide an appropriate answer to the colleague. Another example would be the non-verbal communication, is making eye contact, body langue, hand gestures and tone of voice. You want to be approachable. Therefore, having a relaxed stance and speaking in a friendly tone of voice should be interpreted to positive, nonverbal communication. When an employee and employer apply the 10 communication skills, the workplace will have a more cohesive environment. By learning to implement

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