Transtheoretical Model: The Theory Of Planned Behavior

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There are several behaviors change theories that are used as a theoretical framework for health promotion programs. Some of the few theories include; the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, Transtheoretical Model, and Theory of Planned Behavior. All of these theories serve a purpose in the health education field, but some have their differences. Factors to take inconsideration when making a decision to change a behavior include; behavior, attitudes, values, and knowledge (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2013). These four theories consider these factors to help direct people in changing their own health behaviors. The Health Belief Model (HBM) was created to get a better understanding of why people tend to participate in programs that help to reduce or prevent an illness …show more content…

Attitudes about behavior and subjective norm leads to intention to which it leads to behavior (McKenzie, Neiger, & Thackeray, 2016). People have the perception of what is normal to do in a given situation. One construct of this theory is perceived behavioral control and that looks at the resources and skills necessary to perform the behavior. This is somewhat similar to the concept of self-efficacy because it looks at the person’s ability to perform the behavior based on the resources, skills, and knowledge they may have. One main similarity that all of these health behavior theories have in common is that it focuses on the construct of self-efficacy. Each of the model mentions self-efficacy as one of their core constructs. Self-efficacy is an important factor in a person’s decision to implement a change. Also, all of these models take into considerations of the beliefs, attitudes, values, and information that contribute to a person’s decision to change their behavior. These behavior theories formulate an action plan that helps to motivate a person to achieve a healthier