Two Key Argument Needed To Be The Renewable Source Of Energy

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In his second key argument, Monbiot argues that it is not practical for renewable energy to be the sole source of energy. This key argument rests on the assumption that the amount of renewable energy generated is not enough to meet the current global demand for energy, and other forms of energy have to contribute to produce a larger output of energy. His first premise indicates that to compensate for the insufficient renewable energy generated, draft animals will be needed to facilitate manufacturing and shipping. His second premise affirms that the geographical location of some countries render their ability to harness renewable energy efficiently. Monbiot subsequently concludes that renewable energy alone is indeed insufficient to meet the …show more content…

While this may be true, Monbiot made an assumption that the rate and amount of energy harnessed would be adversely affected if a country is located at a region where it is difficult to obtain renewable energy, adding that these countries will be wasting resources if they continue harnessing renewable energy. This situation may not be true because there are instances whereby the application of appropriate technology would aid in harnessing renewable energy efficiently. In response to the concerns of environmental pollution that arises from burning of coal and natural gas, Singapore is aiming to rely on the generation of more solar energy as a source for power, reducing the current reliance on burning natural gas to meet energy demands (Quah & Soh, 2014). The geographical location of Singapore also makes the country to be suitable to harness solar energy. In addition, Monbiot insists that it is impractical for UK to be harnessing solar energy because of its geographical location, thus wasting limited resources. When Monbiot wrote this article, solar energy may not be widely accepted as an alternative energy source due to limited research and understanding in the method to harness this energy. With technological advancements, solar panels are now being installed on appropriate infrastructures all over UK, in attempt to harness as much solar energy as possible. The efficient generation of solar energy is now able to power approximately 1.5 million households in UK (Press Association, 2015). Thus, it is inappropriate to assume that geographical location would hinder a region to harness energy, when in fact current technology has made energy generation more