What Are John F Kennedy's Major Accomplishments

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John F Kennedy

I believe John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the best American president of the United States. Born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, John was the second of nine children. As Kennedy grew over the years, he had health problems, which later on left to him being diagnosed with addison's disease. After attending Harvard University, John joined the United States Navy in 1941 where he was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps medal for heroism. Kennedy’s change of heart of wanting to become a journalist changed quickly when he left the Navy in 1944 to prepare for Congress in 1946. Kennedy eventually won the election, which resulted him as the 35th president of the United States. The three achievements Kennedy attained were establishing the Peace Corps, averting nuclear war, negotiating with the Russian leader, Khrushchev, and creating the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

During Kennedy’s time as president there were many accomplishments to his credit. One of his greatest accomplishments was the establishment of the Peace Corps in 1961. During the 1960’s and 1970’s, thousands of Americans, many young Americans served in …show more content…

In October of 1962, nuclear armed Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba. Kennedy made a decision to enact an able blockade around Cuba and made it clear to Russia that we were prepared to use military force if that we were prepared to use military force if necessary to eliminate the threat on our national security. Kennedy avoided disaster when the United States came to an agreement with Russia to remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the United States promising to not invade Cuba and he also secretly agreed to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey. As a result, the Americans and Soviets avoided a nuclear war, on October 28, the crisis was

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