What Does Being Catholic Mean To Me

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Being Catholic means a lot to me because I feel like I have a connection with God and he always helps me get through difficult times when I tend to stress a lot. Being Catholic shows my qualities within the Catholic churches. When I was an altar server I definitely felt apart of the church, and to help organise some masses and to be apart of it made me feel special and that God would have been proud of me. I like being Catholic because it helps my full potential to come out. There is nothing I do not dislike being Catholic, it is all positive. I am Catholic and I am very happy that I am, I can have many opportunities to talk to God and have advice from all the priests and when I have made a sin I can confess and be forgiven by God, I feel …show more content…

The church for me is somewhere where I will always be accepted to go to and always have many opportunities to confess and to enjoy being apart of my Catholic faith. Going to church makes me celebrate my faith and to come forward into my faith and to pursue my rights to God. The church is somewhere where I can have a connection with God and Jesus, and a lot of saints so I can feel praised and safe. God most definitely stands out in my life because I do pray to him fairly often and he gives. Praying to God gives me the strength to go forward and to face reality and to get help to move ahead of myself. The church does stand out in my life because going to church sometimes makes me feel better about myself and I feel more blessed. I feel by going to church God will be proud of the effort I put to go. I think that God reveals himself to me by always supporting and being there for me no matter what situation I’m in and that he can always help me. He stands there to guide me through my ways and to make the right decisions. God represents a big part of me where I can show my faith by talking to God and by confessing. I can deepen my relationship with God by talking and praying to God for