What Is Happiness Definition Essay

560 Words3 Pages

Kiani Valdez
S. Wexler
Composition 1
November 13, 2017
Happiness is a term defined by each individual
Happiness is different things to different people. We each determine in our own way what happiness means by connecting the definition of happiness to what is going on in our lives and how our lives progress. Merriam Webster dictionary defines happiness as “1) favored by luck or fortune; 2) notably fitting, effective, or well adapted; and 3) enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment.” But we each interpret and give different meanings to the concept of happiness. We may find that for a while happiness is falling in love and having a successful romantic relationship, while other people may think that they are happy if they have …show more content…

As the saying goes, “money buys happiness”. However, for individuals who are religious and spiritual, happiness may mean growing spiritually and placing great value and happiness in that and everything else in their lives is secondary to that happiness in achieving spiritual growth. As the cliche goes, “money buys happiness”. Regardless of the meaning that each person ascribes to the concept of happiness, it is something that does not happen by chance. Happiness is something that has to be worked on, built upon and starts from scratch. And happiness is only achieved by making the decision to be happy. Contrary to Lewis’ belief that “we depend for a very great deal of our happiness or misery on circumstances outside all human control”, I believe that we must have the belief that happiness can be achieved no matter what obstacles occur along the path to that happiness, because obstacles can distort an individual’s definition of happiness, but it’s how you handle those obstacles and what you do to overcome them that helps you on your conquest of happiness. I also believe that every obstacle is only a situational issue, not a long term “problem”. Just as I mentioned earlier, happiness changes at different stages and processes in life. So I differ from Lewis’ belief that happiness is contingent upon others miseries and circumstances

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