Who Is Harriet Tubman Courageous

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Welcome to the 2016 Freedom Hall of Fame Awards. Tonight we want to give tribute to a courageous, brave, and confident woman. She was loved by many and hated by some. She was born enslaved in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1820. She was a slave for 29 years, before she escaped to freedom on September 14, 1849 with her two brothers Ben and Henry. Her brothers had second thoughts about going to Philadelphia so, they went back to the plantations. The slaves were overheard by their masters talking about “Moses” coming to free slaves one night. The master’s didn’t believe but they watched out for Moses. The next day some of the slaves were taken, the master’s started putting up wanted posters and rewards to find her. She was to smart for them and they never found her, her name is Harriet Tubman. …show more content…

She was very confident when she freed three hundred slaves from the south, she may have freed them at different times, but she was still confident in not getting caught and had her gun right by her side for protection. One of the most famous stories was when, a slave tried to turn around and go back to the plantation she put a gun to his head and said “Go on or Die.” She was brave and wasn’t going to let him go, she would have killed him on that day, but the slave understood and didn’t go back instead he kept going forward. Harriet’s motivation for bringing enslaved people to freedom was when, she heard that her niece Kessiah and her two children were going to be sold. Kessiah was married to a free black man named John so, he bought his wife and two children. Harriet came and led them to Philadelphia for all of them to be free. After this Harriet wanted to free more slaves including relatives and non-relatives, she freed 300

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