Why High School Should Start Later Essay

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According to School Starts Later: Healthy Hours, “Most teenagers need 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep every night, but two thirds of teens get only seven hours of sleep, which leads to about 33% of teens falling asleep in class.” Let’s place quotes around the numerical facts. Less sleep affects the teen’s education and can lead to bad grades. With less sleep, the students could even flunk a class. If high school classes started at 10:00 a.m. instead of the usual 8:20 a.m., sleeping wouldn’t be an issue. The paper that will be discussed today will explain why high schools should start classes later in the day. Without getting enough sleep, there are some major risks for teens. According to WebMD, “There is a risk of developing hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. The ability to learn and retain new information could also be impaired.” While Exploring Life’s Mysteries states, “Further studies have shown that individuals who have been sleep deprived show significantly less activity in the language processing area of the brain.” This affects everyday life. If someone is unable to understand what they are being told, then there is no way they could remember things and pass classes.
A con against the later starts of school is …show more content…

Hailey Hershey recounts about a past experience with tiredness and grades, “During the second quarter of my sophomore year my grades started lagging in English ll and Creative Writing because I wasn’t getting much sleep. I had to stay up for musical practice and other homework, while in the morning I had to get up at 5:30 in the morning for school. These classes needed my full attention, but my brain wouldn’t function correctly because of the little sleep I was