Why Is Animal Testing Wrong

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Article: Animal Testing, Right Or Wrong?

The reason why many people would be for animal experiments or research is that because of it being a so called “necessary evil” .It would be unethical to sacrifice numerous humans to understand countless diseases and to test drugs that could cause further harm and inflict pain. As animals have not been given equal rights or do not have a “voice”, this means they are the weaker links and it gives doctors and scientist a justification to perform their research on them. There are proven benefits in using animals for research.
The reason why people would be against animal experiments is firstly the pain and harm that is inflicted on them as animals are not given pain killers as scientist …show more content…

Animal experimentation is basically when animals are used in scientific research as this will help scientist to identify and understand any diseases that have occurred in humans and animals and to test any drugs or surgical equipment or new techniques.
Animal experiments do not actually stop there as it is beyond what the average person knows or what the media will portray to the people. Animal experiments does not just mean drug testing it means by firstly studying the animal as many scientist will first study the behaviour of the animal before test as to see what it can do or even what it likes to do. Then the scientist will see if it reacts to pain and they will test its immune system by giving it the average cold and flu then the drug testing will begin.
When the actual testing begins, the animals are injected with the disease or condition that the scientist will try to test against and this will mean by possibly injecting cancer cells or harmful toxins through the spine or into the brain with a needle that is 1cm thick and 60cm …show more content…

The drawbacks of animal experiments is that firstly the ethical issue that surrounds it. This being that many people believe that everything that has been created should be treated equally and that scientist or doctors should realise that animals can see, hear and feel things too and that they should not make them any smaller than humans. The second issue is that many people believe that animals should not suffer for the purpose to help humans and they should not be used to be inflicted with pain and misery. The other issue being that the animal’s welfare should not be endangered but improved.
The alternative of animal experiments can be widely debated because technology progresses rapidly and the one technology that has proven it benefits and then rather using animals for experiments. The reason why this technology is wanting to replace animal experiments as research for drugs will take up to 12 years and that being 9 years for drugs research and then the other 3 years for actually making the drug. Then the drugs will be sold to pharmaceutical companies and they will test the drugs on animals and finally if successful they will sell it to the health