Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Animal lovers rejoice; scientists are now doing the most ethical thing available! They are continuing their experiments on animals. Contrary to all the sensationalist headlines, animal experimentation is currently the most ethical method of testing out potential drugs scientists are capable of using. Although scientists agree that it is not preferable to potential future alternatives which do not harm animals, there is not a leg to stand on for those arguing that it should be stopped or even outlawed at the moment. Animal experimentation allows vital advances for science, follows more moral codes than experimentation on humans does, and lacks any suitable replacements.
Animal experimentation has been responsible for vital advancements in science …show more content…

Animals rights group will be quick to say how unnecessarily animal lives are horribly wasted, but these animals being cruelly experimented on for no scientific gain do not exist in the United States due to the passage of the Animal Welfare Act. The Animal Welfare Act by law requires experiments to have a member of the IACUC to check to make sure that experiments are run on the three 'Rs' policy of replace animals whenever possible, reduce the amount of animals involved, and refine experiment measures wherever possible to treat animals humanely (Keller 2015). The law is already in place to prohibit animal experimentation except when absolutely necessary, and the animals in said experiments are treated as humanely as possible. Some may still say that there is inherent suffering in animal experimentation regardless ("Results from Research on Animals Are Not Valid When Applied to Humans" 2015). To ban animal experimentation, however, is to only shift that suffering on to people. These animal rights groups ignore the history of atrocities committed to humans in the name of science and the human rights that people have. It would be an atrocity to human rights to ignore the famous Nuremberg code and how it warned against testing on humans first (Smith, 2013). Banning animal experimentation would only cause more and more suffering to come at the