Why School Should Start Later Essay

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Have you ever wanted to start school later if you have you might be in luck. A lot of kids are not getting enough sleep. It's important because every needs sleep in their life. Some reasons are healthy and safety, kids don't get enough sleep, and they are more happier when a wake. Going on to a new reason is why schools should start later for healthy and safety reasons. If they don't get enough sleep they can not learn as well. Even if they come to school and still tired if they are dozing off they can't learn anything anyways. If they tell their parents they got no sleep that night they are not coming to school. Everybody learns way better when a wake. More sleep means ready to learn. The more aware they are they get better grades. “Returning …show more content…

Teens need at least 8 to 10 hours a sleep a night. If they don't get that sleep they get grump really easily. School have taken notes about how kids sleep. They learn way better when a wake. In some schools this is why they started later. Also other school are noticing now too. It shows effects on what they learn when they get little sleep. “But for children, it’s especially important because the effects of sleep deprivation can lead to lifelong problems”(McCarthey). The third is kids are more happier to come to school when rested. Studies show that kids are way happier when awake. Kids are angry when not a wake. They have a very little attention span if they get no sleep. Their is also a chance that he or she could fall asleep in class. When tired they don't want to come to school. If they don't come they are going to miss that building block to help them learn.”That’s because my kids are happier and more fun to be around when I stick with a consistent and early bedtime”(Moyer). It might affect some after school activities, but kids will just go to sleep later if the school choses to start later. They just have to get used to stay in a routine every morning. If the school starts later everyone is still going to be tired if they keep going to bed really