Altair 8800 Essays

  • William Henry Gates 3 Major Accomplishments

    612 Words  | 3 Pages

    “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old”, stated Peter F. Drucker. In order to become a forward thinker, one has to avoid living in the past and grab hold of the future. William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle,Washington("Bill Gates", 1993). He studied law at Harvard but, dropped out to make advancements in computer software. He worked with Paul Allen to establish one of the most influential computer software companies. William Henry Gates III co-founded

  • Mac Vs Mac Research Paper

    783 Words  | 4 Pages

    The computer market has been dominated by powerhouse operating systems (OS) Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh. Both operating systems have been around since the digital age in the 1980’s. The Mac versus PC debate, Apple versus Windows, whatever you want to call it, both OS have undergone many modifications and changes to fit the demands of consumers which has led to the array of products today. Without the “Windows versus Apple” debate, we would not have the devices we use today. In Inventions

  • Who Is William Henry Gates A Hero

    649 Words  | 3 Pages

    Together they founded Microsoft in 1975, and soon signed their first business deal with MITTS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems). The challenge was to develop an operating system using BASIC language for their new Altair 8800 microcomputer. The software, called Altair BASIC, was so successful that Bill had to drop out of Harvard to manage the business. Microsoft expanded very fast, and became specialized in other programing languages such as Cobol, Fortan, and Pascal. Insert Microsoft photo

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    659 Words  | 3 Pages

    The CEO asked for a demonstration of a program, Gates over a couple months developed the software but had no time to test it on the Altair but, with Gates’ hard work the program worked flawlessly when tested at the demonstration and Microsoft was contracted to work for MITS. After this he went on to create MS-DOS, arguably one of the most influential pieces of software ever developed

  • Bill Gates Accomplishments

    1678 Words  | 7 Pages

    career was going to be, expanding Microsoft into something big. Bill gates’s friend Paul Allen co founded Microsoft and helped him program his first computer, the “Altair 8800”. The “Altair Basic” was, “Microsoft 's first sale as a microcomputer software house"("Bill Gates”). However Bill Gates and Paul Allen didn 't invent the “Altair 8800” it was invented by MITS, a “build it yourself computer” meaning you can purchase the computer and then program it however you would like to. Bill Gates and Paul

  • Essay On 1980s Technology

    1334 Words  | 6 Pages

    Ever tried to live without the internet? How about your computer or even your cell phone? Before the 1980s it was not hard to live without them, for this technology had yet to be invented. Our technology keeps improving each year. Since the 1980s, we have been able to create cell phones that are small and can fit inside our pockets; we have computers and the internet that will have an answer, whether true or false, to almost anything. We have smart boards, flat screen TVs, iPads, ear phones, and

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1701 Words  | 7 Pages

    Though their BASIC software program for the Altair computer netted the company a fee and royalties, it wasn't meeting their overhead. Microsoft's BASIC software was popular with computer hobbyists, who obtained pre-market copies and were reproducing and distributing them for free. According to Gates's later account, only about 10 percent of the people using BASIC in the Altair computer had actually paid for it. At this time, much of the personal computer enthusiasts

  • William Henry III: The Most Influential People In The World

    1205 Words  | 5 Pages

    Born William Henry III is an American entrepreneur, business mogul, investor, philanthropist, and widely known as one of the most richest and influential people in the world. William Henry III was born to attorney, William Henry II and teacher, Mary Maxwell Gates in Seattle, Washington, USA. Bill Gates as a child was very competitive, curious, and depth thinker. His parents decided to enroll him in the private preparation school, Lakeside School. Gates soon excelled at Lakeside, where he made himself

  • Steve Jobs Vs Bill Gates

    1338 Words  | 6 Pages

    Entrepreneurs are an essential part of our society. Without them, we would not have some of the vital amenities that we're accustomed to. Things like basic transportation, clothing, and even the concept of the light bulb were all brought about by entrepreneurs. In order to pursue these maniacal aspirations, these people had to be a part of a system that could accommodate their visions. A system that could give them the opportunity to make their various ideas become reality. This system is called:

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1341 Words  | 6 Pages

    Some consider him to be an inventive visionary who started a PC unrest. Others consider him to be a cutting edge looter noble whose savage practices have smothered rivalry in the product business. Notwithstanding what his supporters and depreciators may figure, few can contend that Bill Gates is one of, if not the best business person of the twentieth century. In only 25 years, he manufactured a two-man operation into a multibillion-dollar monster and made himself the wealthiest man on the planet

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1481 Words  | 6 Pages

    Whether you think of him as a pioneering genius of the digital age or as the quintessential capitalist, Bill Gates left an indelible mark on the 20th century. This paper explores how Bill Gates revolutionized the world in which we live today by technological innovations, and how his incredible business strategies made him the world's richest man. Bills family expected him to follow his fathers profession Born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. He was the only son with two sisters of a retired

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1940 Words  | 8 Pages

    Bill Gates William Henry “Bill” Gates’s climb to becoming one of the richest men in the world was not as easy as people think. Torn between his family’s wishes and his own, the young Gates’s journey toward billionaire status was ended up taking his own career path based on what he wanted to do. Through all the lawsuits and competition, Gates not only prevailed over his competitors in the computer software business, he has also become one of the world’s most influential philanthropists when he founded

  • Bill Gates Accomplishments

    1578 Words  | 7 Pages

    William Gates III also known as Bill Gates has quite the life, he is a technologist, business leader, and philanthropist. Gates has done a great deal throughout his life including getting early computer programing jobs, dropping out of Harvard, creating Microsoft, to creating one of the biggest charitable foundations Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates has proven of an American dream we all wish we would meet and succeed at. Bill Gates is currently the richest person in the world worth 87.4 billion

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    808 Words  | 4 Pages

    1972. Allen attended college but dropped out before he received his degree to begin writing languages for the Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) Computer. Soon after Gates also had left college to later develop languages for the Altair 8800. They both ended up in Albuquerque, New Mexico where Gates became the director of software development. Then Micro-soft becomes a Corporation owned by Paul Allen and Bill Gates. (History 1; Alfred

  • Bill Gates Accomplishments

    1301 Words  | 6 Pages

    However, during this time he was contacted by his old friend, Paul Allen, who wanted to collaborate with Bill Gates on a new Operating System for the new Altair 8800 minicomputer kit. MITS, the owner of the hardware, was ecstatic to learn that someone wanted to develop for the Altair hardware. Gates immediately dropped out of Harvard, much to his parent’s dismay, and began to work with Allen on the system. Within two months, the boys created an operating system for

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    2133 Words  | 9 Pages

    Introduction Bill Gates is a wealthy entrepreneur and philanthropist who when he was a kid was interested in computers. Bill Gates believed in the growth of computers and thanks to his hard work and his friend Paul he made his belief real. He also at one point was the richest man on this earth. Before Microsoft Bill Gates was born in Seattle Washington, on October 28, 1955.The Gates family was a good one, his father(William Henry Gates jr.) was a lawyer and his mother(Mary Maxwell Gates) was a

  • Microsoft Product Failure

    1892 Words  | 8 Pages

    There is a considerable progress that has been made over the past three decades for developing and improving a new marketing researches by techniques and its similar that have been has in the understanding of consumer behavior. There are 85 percent for consumer goods that are constant some estimates and has remained high of the product failure. There are many factors causes the products success or failure because of most common one factor is managements are failed to understand consumers needs and

  • Persuasive Essay On Bill Gates

    1464 Words  | 6 Pages

    The United States is where the young, and bright Gates began his journey to enlighten the world. Bill Gates's parents are William H. Gates Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates is married to Melinda Gates and has three kids. Bill Gates has two sisters named, Libby and Kristi Gates. He studied at Lakeside school from 1967-1973, and Harvard University 1973-1975. In 2018, his net-worth is 90.5 billion dollars(US). Did you know that Bill Gates failed in some of his exams when his friend passed all? Do

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1022 Words  | 5 Pages

    Gates’ desire to continue computing regardless of his school duties shows the entrepreneurial trait of commitment and determination for his passion. Later, Allen brought Gates an article on the first rendition of a personal computer, called the Altair 8800 made by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) ( Editors, 2017). Subsequently, Gates and Allen contacted Ed Roberts, the owner of MITS, to see if he was interested in a BASIC interpreter for his computer ( Editors

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

    1144 Words  | 5 Pages

    When Gates started Microsoft he faced many challenges in creating of Windows. It all started when he worked for MITS and developed his Altair 8800 (Windows coding), when he had to create the interface he had many challenges and even had to ask for advice from IBM’s technicians. Windows is a very good software and Microsoft made it as good as it needs to be. Microsoft was one of the first companies