Boys & Girls Clubs of America Essays

  • Boys And Girls Club Analysis

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    how Boys and Girls Clubs are used as a deterrence method to keep “at-risk” children off the streets. These programs are all across the country in inner cities and in rural areas. I will be using the Boys and Girls Club to look at its relationship with Social Disorganization theory. The Boys and Girls Club has been around since 1860, when three women decided to open their doors to underprivileged boys. They “believed that boys who roamed the streets should have a positive alternative” (Boys & Girls

  • Child Beauty Pageants Analysis

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    teeth” (Source E). Karley, a four-year-old, is already being led to believe that in order to be beautiful, she must “fix” her looks. Losing teeth is a normal part of childhood and this should not be considered “unattractive”. Pageants also encourage girls to “change their looks to fit narrow, invented standards of beauty” (Source E). By doing so, pageants provide unrealistic expectations for young women and make them feel sorry for themselves and wish for a “better appearance”. This is not the message

  • Persuasive Essay On Child Beauty Pageants

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    Beauty Pageants are events which women and younger girls or boys compete in across the world but the most popular country for these pageants are USA. The age requirements start at 3 years for both girls and boys, I feel this is too young an age to start brainwashing them. Many critics claim that the beauty pageants place more emphasis on the physical aspects of the body and over look the other aspects. This is what causes these pageants to be so unhealthy for the younger children competing. On

  • Essay On Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned

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    Young children are being treated as if their teenagers. Young girls should not have to be dressed up in adult attire, makeup, false nails ect. They are dressing young children in adult clothes, when they should be embracing their childhood, without makeup and teenage-adult clothes. A child should be a child. (Wiehe)

  • Impact Of Roadblocks On Boy Scouts

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    of our students from participating in events with the Boy Scouts would be not being qualified to become a scout volunteer. Also, they would have to set aside the time for meetings service projects and outdoor activities which would include camping trips and hiking over the weekends. During this trip our students may become injured, they may receive cuts, scrapes, and broken bones. Future Vision The future is bright for the Boy Scouts of America and the University as we can get more people involved

  • Argumentative Essay On Castaways

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    Eighteen “Castaways” step out onto a deserted beach, the only sign marking it as their home for the next month is a banner standing before them, a banner which also tells them their tribe name. These contestants come from all different walks of life and most have no idea how to survive in the wild. The only thing connecting them is their willingness to compete for a million dollars.They are on "Survivor", a reality show which pits contestants not only against each other, but against the elements

  • Bad Girls Club Analysis

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    the cast members of the reality T.V show “Bad Girls Club” are placed in a house to be examined as a psychological experiment. The popular reality T.V show “Bad Girls Club” is a show that follows the lives of seven self-proclaimed “bad girls” as they live in a house together. The supposed purpose of this show is to not only watch these bad-mannered women fight, bicker, and argue, but it is also to watch these women mature and step away from their “bad girl” personifications. In order to frame the show

  • Essay On Eagle Project

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    Before a Boy Scout becomes an Eagle Scout he must do what people refer to as an “Eagle Project”. When it became my time to do my Eagle Project I wanted my project to be something I felt passionate about for a cause that I felt passionate about. Being born with high functioning cerebral palsy and having two cousins with Down syndrome, I chose to a project for a school in Raleigh known as the Frankie Lemmon School. The Frankie Lemmon School is a school, located in a basement of a church, for preschoolers

  • Who Has Shaped Me

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    There have been many points in my life that have shaped me to be who I am today, from getting my first pair of glasses in second grade, to joining choir in ninth. However, the most memorable and important part of my life so far would in first grade, when I joined Cub Scouts, as well as what I have done since then as a Scout. One of the ways that Scouting has shaped me was through the meetings. Way back in my first pack, Pack 393, there were adult volunteers for everything, from the Scout leader

  • Girl Scouts College Essay

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    I became a Girl Scout in October of 2004 and I am still one today. Over the past 13 years, I have been exposed to many new wondrous things through the Girl Scout Program. I have learned new skills, experienced new activities, visited new Countries and met new friends. As a result, I have grown into a self-confident, courageous and outgoing person. I live the Girl Scout Motto and feel that if everyone was given the same opportunities that the world would be a better place. I truly believe that I

  • Juliette Gordon Low's Influence On Young Girls

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    requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily” (Juliette Gordon Low). The author of this quote started an organization that has grown to 2.7 million girls. Juliette Gordon Low wanted to do something for the young girls of the world that could make them a better person. The lessons she taught the girls were to have a greater outlook of life. Juliette Gordon Low has positively influenced many young girls because of the traditions she started over 100

  • National Honor Society Principles

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    dedication to these four principles on the Spiritual standpoint, the Familial level, the Community level and finally at the National level. Moreover, I did begin my dedication to these same four principles even before this starting with the Boy Scouts of America and this commitment will continue along with having a rich future when I reach my fullest potential. I firmly believe that to have academic excellence is giving your best effort to maintain not just having straight As and a high GPA at or close

  • Statement Of Purpose: Philmont Scout Ranch

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    While surviving through your daily life, have you ever come across an opportunity to travel to a hidden pocket of the universe? These opportunities are few and far between, and most people seem to let the chance pass by. Whether it be not knowing what could come out of it, or being afraid to step up to the plate, the moments go unnoticed. However I seized the chance to visit the “hidden pocket” of the universe called Philmont Scout Ranch. Over the years the scouting program has enabled me to have

  • My Greatest Accomplishments

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    not learned from the actions of myself and others. My most significant accomplishment has been completing my Eagle Scout Service Project, enabling me to become an Eagle Scout. Through my journey in Boy Scouts I learned many lessons from my adult and youth leaders. The failure I experienced on my first Boy Scout campout taught me a valuable lesson. During this campout I learned to build a fire, and earned my Firem'n Chit. However, I did not listen to my leader, who was working with the other scouts

  • Personal Narrative: Eagle Scout As A Role Model

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    As an upcoming middle schooler, I joined Boy Scouts without knowing the tremendous impact the program would make in my life. I learned the basics of outdoor survival and scouting from older Scouts—principally Life and Eagle Scouts—who had recently been young scouts like me, staring up at the grand mountain of scouting from the humble rank of Tenderfoot. These were the leaders and role models I looked up to. When I saw the leadership and character they built on their journey up the mountain toward

  • How To Write An Essay On Boy Scouts

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    Scouting has been, is, and will always be a major aspect of my life. I am involved in the Boy Scouts of America and am an Eagle Scout. Scouts takes up a large chunk of my time, as we meet twice a month and have a monthly campout. This is on top of any service projects or other special events. Every summer I have gone on an extended camp out or high adventure with the Scouts. I have been to all of the three BSA High Adventure Camps (Philmont, Northern Tier and SeaBase) earning the “Triple Crown”

  • My Impact On Cub Scout And Boy Scout Life

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    From the time I was a small boy, I always wanted to be on Summer Camp staff. My dad had been on staff and to me it seemed like a fun way to spend my summer. Once I was accepted to staff, I learned it was a lot more than just having a fun summer. I realized I was making an impact on Cub Scout and Boy Scout lives. My favorite part of being on staff had to be Cub Scout week. I loved teaching these boys a new thing and watching their eyes light up. I knew that if I could get them excited about something

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Personal Experiences

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    done relatively soon. Or, so I thought. I was working with Gilda’s Club in Hackensack, New Jersey to brainstorm some ideas for what could be done for my Eagle Project. After a couple of weeks of going back and forth, we agreed on hosting a carnival for those who were affected by cancer, whether it was the person who was actually afflicted by the disease or their family who fought alongside with them. Both the volunteers at Gilda’s Club and I knew the hardships that families have to endure when battling

  • Boy Scouts Research Paper

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    The girl scouts have officially joined the boy scouts and a lot of uproar and outrage has been caused by this. Many people are saying that this has ruined the foundation of the boy scouts because its called the boy scouts it’s meant for the boys. The boy scouts purpose was to help and nurture young boys into men, the scouts of Australia organization stated “The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they take

  • The Boy Scouts Of America

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    The Boy Scouts of America consist of four main programs: Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and the order of the arrow. Cub Scouting is the largest program, for boys from 7 to 11 years old. It’s designed to pursue the aims of character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Boy Scouting is for boys ages 11 to 18. It uses outdoor activities like camping and hiking simultaneously while aiming at character, citizenship and personal fitness training. When interviewing my