Myer Essays

  • Myer Emporium Swot Analysis

    515 Words  | 3 Pages

    Myer Emporium located in Melbourne, Australia (Myer Emporium,Urban Melbourne, n.d) a) Myer is a chain department store that sells anything from clothes and food to homeware and technology. Founded in 1900 and established in Victoria by Sidney Myer, a Russian-born Australian Jew. Before finding Myer, he was in charge of his mother’s drapery store in Russia before migrating to Melbourne to work in a relation’s underwear business. After that, Mr Myer finally owned his very own drapery store named ‘Myer

  • Myers Briggs Assessment

    1139 Words  | 5 Pages

    in where they would like to see themselves after high school or college. In these extreme cases, one concept that people use that assist individuals in finding themselves and what they want to do with their life is by taking the Myers Briggs assessment. I took the Myers Briggs test and found it extremely interesting due to the personality traits that were given to me. I was given the traits ISFJ, which stands for introverted,

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Theories

    2265 Words  | 10 Pages

    My personality type according to the Myers-Briggs personality test is Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging (ENFJ) (Jung, & Myers-Briggs, 2016). This is important to note especially in careers like mine where I am consistently required to interact with others. There are various personality types within my company. Understanding the differences among the various personality types will be beneficial as I progress into greater leadership roles. By contextualizing the information, I am learning

  • Myers Briggs Personality Traits

    662 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I initially heard about the Myers Briggs personality test, I was immediately intrigued. Yet, at the same time, I was slightly skeptical of the possibility that one, simple test would be able to categorize all types of people into just 16 different personalities. I felt that personality tests diminished individualism, and uniqueness. However, after reading through the ISFJ personality profile, I would have to say that I completely agree with all of the character traits of the “defender” personality

  • The Myers-Briggs Type Theory

    816 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Myers-Briggs Type Theory is based on Carl Jung 's Analytical Theory, an interpretation of Freud 's Psychodynamic Theory (Tsuji, B.H., 2018). It is a self administered test, comprising of Yes/No questions relating to how the test taker would behave in certain situations. The results of the test is a 4 character code that describes how aligned someone is with the following defined personality attributes: Introverted or Extraverted (I or E), Sensing or Intuitive (S or N), Thinking or Feeling (T

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Analysis

    1007 Words  | 5 Pages

    Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality test, and received results that did not match your personality, at all? The complete opposite happened to me when I took it. The personality test from "16Personalities", labeled me as "The Mediator" otherwise known as the "INFP" personality, it also had an overview article that described how INFPs make choices along with the quality of their relationships, and their ability to think and distach from reality for hours on end. My results described

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment

    472 Words  | 2 Pages

    When I took the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, my result was the description of ISTJs, Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging. From these results, ISTJs are inspectors with an acute awareness of what is right and wrong, especially when it relates to their interests or responsibility. This assessment does resemble my personality without a doubt. The ISTJs process a devotion to duty, and their motto is punctuality. I agree I have a dedication to duty and am a stickler for punctuality with the exception

  • Myers Briggs Personality Traits

    648 Words  | 3 Pages

    traits provides me with the ability to understand how I am wired on a deeper level. It provides a map into who I am as a person, what makes me tick, and why I am the way I am. I have always found personality tests interesting. One of my favorite is the Myers Briggs personality type test. Self-awareness can be a foundation to many aspects of a person’s life. Knowing and understanding your personality, The Five Factor Personality Test (FFPT) The results of the Five Factor Personality test are Factor I:

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Report

    395 Words  | 2 Pages

    My personality type, according to the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, is INTJ, which is the rarest type among women with roughly 700 million INTJ females on the planet. From reading up on typical INTJ qualities, I’ve learned that INTJs have a general thirst for knowledge -- something I recognize in myself. From learning basic trivia to spending hours studying subjects I find interesting to teaching myself binary code, I have never been afraid to explore what my peers usually dismiss as unimportant

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator

    530 Words  | 3 Pages

    Myers-Briggs personality indicator is not only beneficial to help you better understand yourself, but it is also useful for understanding others. When you take the typology test, you gain a letter for each of the four categories. I was an ESFP and wasn’t surprised at all because those characteristics are obvious in me. There is only two letters for each category, so you can either get one or the other. Since I was an ESFP the letters I didn’t get were I, N, T, and J. What if I had a friend with

  • Myers Briggs Personality Assessment Paper

    708 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ashlee Rouse Psychology Ms. O October 20, 2015 Myers Briggs General Assessment The Myers Briggs personality assessment taken by millions of people around the world. This assessment allows a person to take a survey to figure out which personality type they are out of the sixteen. The Myers Briggs assessment was created by Isabel Briggs Myers. This assessment is also based off of her son Carl Jung. Jung was a Neo-Freudian theorist who studied human behavior during World War II. The test

  • Summary Of Sunrise Over Fallujah By Walter Dean Myers

    820 Words  | 4 Pages

    Walter Dean Myers dropped out of school at the age of 15, due to family problems. He loved school, and he loved literature. Being unconnected to the world of learning, and becoming tired of not being able to read, he decided to visit the public library. Until he could no longer bear the fact that he was not getting an education(his one and only dream), he silently cried in his bedroom every night. He needed help and seeked attention from others until one day, a “do-good” counselor called his house

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment

    1415 Words  | 6 Pages

    Enhancing College Classroom Socialization with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment (Phase 1 – Organizational Background….. 1 page) In the early 1960’s, educators and politicians realized that the traditional four year college was not for everyone and began exploring other options to further educate those not wanting to follow the traditional path. On September 4, 1969, Johnson County Community College held their first classes. Mike Alley, one of JCCC’s first students, recalled the “real sense

  • The Myers-Biggs Type Indicator Paper

    1536 Words  | 7 Pages

    Part One: The Myers-Biggs Type Indicator Carl Jung was a coeval of Sigmund Freud, who developed a personality theory centered on the ideas of extroversion and introversion. This was a revolutionary idea at the time, and served as a break-away from Freudian ideology. He would become a pioneer in Gestalt therapy Jung theorized human behavior as having a combination of four psychic functions: thinking verses feeling -rational functions requiring acts of judgments, and intuition verses sensation –which

  • Myers Briggs Personality Test Report

    1210 Words  | 5 Pages

    How accurate is the Myers Briggs (MBTI) personality test What is a Myers Briggs, or MBTI, Test? Prepare yourself for the shortest crash course on pop-psychology. Imagine the people of the world to be divided into various permutations of four sets of rigid personality traits, or set of factors. Introvert(I) vs Extrovert(E) – reserved vs outgoing Sensing(S) vs Intuition(N) – prefer hands-on vs abstract Thinking(T) vs Feeling(F) – logical vs emotional Judgement(J) vs Perception(P) – make decisions

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay

    727 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator helped me learn more about myself as my role as a parent, employee, a boss, and a friend. I’m practical, traditional and organized. I have clear visions of the way I want things to be or how they should be, like to be in charge and value security and peace. EXTRAVERTED I am very opinioned person who like to be in authority. I have a better insight of what careers I am best suited for. Some of the careers identified were, detective, managers, judge, and teachers. My

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Self Assessment

    506 Words  | 3 Pages

    think, perceive, analyze or problem solve all the same way. There are many categories of personalities and there is even a self assessment you can take to see which personality traits you hold. This self-report questionnaire is also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator “MBTI” and it is modeled around four different personality traits. By the end of the assessment you will have a four letter accroynm summarizing how you perceive things in the world and how you make decisions. Are you an extravert

  • Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Personality: Myers & Briggs

    312 Words  | 2 Pages

    In my opinion, my scores for Myers & Briggs seem to be very accurate. The scores revealed that I have an Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging personality. I am primarily a visual learner, followed by auditory and kinesthetic. I consider myself an introvert because I tend to mainly concern more about my thoughts and feelings rather than external stimuli. However, simultaneously, I worry about my interaction with the people around me, which is why I am sometimes mistaken for an extroverted individual

  • Personal Narrative: My Myers Briggs Personality Style

    1523 Words  | 7 Pages

    My Myers Briggs personality type is: INFP Introvert 11%; iNtuitive 12%; Feeling 25%; and Perceiving 22% After taking the Jung Typology Test I have noticed that some of the questions asked pertained to my personal style like asking if I am organized and neat at my work place and also if I am never late to appointments. I’ve learned about myself that I am shy

  • Who Is Australia's Oldest Fashion Brand David Jones?

    253 Words  | 2 Pages

    Founded in 1838, David Jones is Australia's one of the oldest brands. Named after its founding father, David Jones deals in fashion, homeware, cosmetics, homewares, electrical, food and furniture. The company has come a long way in order to materialize the dream of David Jones to give customers the most trendy clothes. Having its operations in Australia and New Zealand, David Jones is on the path of continuous improvement and is accredited as the leading fashion brand of the continent. In 2013 the