• How Does This Experience Relate To Your Professional Goals

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Why did you pursue this particular internship? How does this experience relate to your professional goals/career aspirations? (Max. 500 Words)

After graduation, my goal is to pursue a job as a Retail Event Coordinator. To be in this field, however, a candidate must have experience with event planning, as well as knowledge about the retail industry. By completing my bachelor’s degree from the university in Retail and Consumer Behavior, I will have accomplished only part of the requirement. Through the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, I was able to locate an internship that would provide the event planning experience while working for a world-renowned organization. Working in the event industry, there is a chance to network with important …show more content…

Besides an education, each person must have the ability to plan events that range from weddings to retail tradeshows. One of their responsibilities is to maintain the retail calendar for the company and ensure that it follows important events and holidays. This way, the buyers and merchandisers for the company can maintain inventory and address important pricing strategies. WARF has incorporated this learning experience into their internship program, by offering a semester long project that will help develop my event planning skills. Part of the project includes following the fiscal calendar and executing an event that is seasonally appropriate. From there, the event manager and I will piece together a promotional event to develop and execute brand or product awareness for the WARF organization. During this experience I will gain knowledge and skills that will help plan a budget and identify who is their target client at the Discovery Building on the …show more content…

One ability that I desire to obtain through the internship, is industry and company awareness. Through my experience, I should be able to discover about what really happens in the industries and what it takes to succeed in their environments. From my daily routines too, I will learn about environment settings and cultures that I do and do not like, and apply these factors when job searching to ensure that I develop a better fit with a company. During my event internship, I also aim to expand and enhance my professional skills. With this internship, I have a hands-on chance to apply what I have learned during my education here at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Diving into retail financial analysis classes, I have studied about inventory control, inventory mark-ups and downs, and promotions, and how all of this is influences a retail buyer’s and planner’s decisions for budgets and merchandise. However, I can now take this knowledge and apply it to a real-world