AMU Personal Statement

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The most significant contributions that I have made to Mount St. Ursula would have to be my involvement in the school. I am a well rounded individual from student athlete to much more. I engage in extra curricular activities in school and maintain good grades. This is something that sets me apart from the rest of my class because I manage keep up with all my vigorous classes while being involved and not many can do that. Also something that not many can they say they have done but I can is the fact that I have taken every AP class the school has offered in my years being there. I am ranked in the higher percentile of my class. I am a candidate for the National Honors Society. Being that I have accomplished so much at AMSU I take great pride in the school and am an ambassador which the highest ranked club in the school. …show more content…

I have become better at certain things. An example is speaking to others; during my first open house the guests had nothing, but great things to say to Ms. Myers about me.
My personality is quite optimistic, my strive to better, how even though I excel in class I always feel as if I could do better. This comes from my personal strengths which I would consider to be good work ethic, positivity, and enthusiasm to learn more than I already know. I work to not be ordinary but, to be great and work my way up my class.
Personally I has always been thrilled by Math and Science from a young age. I participated in my fair share of science fairs in middle school. I consider Math and Science to my academic strengths. I scored 78 percent better than my peers in the PSAT math portion.
St. John’s University granted me an award for the Women of Science in regards to Biology. This gave me great satisfaction because Biology was an academic subject that I loved dearly so much I now take AP Biology. It allowed me to grow and recognize that I might want to pursue something science related in

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